New Program Director and Program Administrator Orientation

Welcome to Graduate Medical Education!

We’re so happy to have you join us as a new Program Director or Program Administrator. To help educate you on the work of our office we have prepared a number of resources:

  • New UW GME Program Director and Program Administrator Onboarding Checklist (updated August 2024): This resource will help orient you to the many aspects of GME.  The checklist contains many required and recommended action items for new Program Directors and Program Administrators, including the following.
  • GME Basics: Explore the videos and resources provided on 13 topics intentionally chosen to help familiarize you with the GME Office, the ACGME and additional resources integral to your position within GME.
  • GME Annual Program Timeline (updated July 2024):  Includes program activities and GME dates of note by month for the academic year.
  • GME Alphabet Soup: Glossary of terms of acronyms frequently used in GME (the “alphabet soup” of GME). These include terms related to accreditation, medical education, compliance, regulatory organizations, and the University of Washington.

These resources are intended for new GME residency and fellowship program directors and program administrators but may also be useful for associate program directors, assistant program directors, program coordinators and other program staff.

New Program Director Appointments:  As outlined in the New Program Director Appointment Policy & Procedure, program director appointments require both GMEC and ACGME approval before they can take effect.

GME Basics

The Environmental Landscape: UW GME and Who’s Who

GME Finance and Funding

Presented at our February 17, 2022 Lunch & Learn, this presentation covers all basics of GME funding and finance.

Training Sites and Affiliation Agreements

GME Resident & Fellow Wellness Services

Helpful Links:

Introduction to MedHub

Introduction to Learning Gateway

Please send any feedback you have about this page to Jenn Johal at  Is there another topic you wish we covered?  Additional information needed?  Please let us know!