Elective Director: Troy Johnston, MD
206-987-1083 | troy.johnston@seattlechildrens.org

Elective Contact: Cammie Bullock
206-987-3169| cammie.bullock@seattlechildrens.org

Description: Residents are expected to be involved in caring for children seen by the pediatric cardiologist. They will improve on their ability to gather appropriate information on the patient’s condition, their medical and surgical history, and physical exam skills, including a complete cardiac exam, particularly auscultation. In addition, residents should become familiar with the tools of pediatric cardiology and when they are used including electrocardiography, echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, and cardiac MRI/CT angiograms. Residents will become familiar with common presentations of children with cardiac disease and understand the general pediatrician’s role in diagnosis, management and referral of children with congenital heart disease by attending conferences, clinics, and pre- and post-op care of children on the wards and in the ICU.

Website(s): Seattle Children’s Heart Center

Documents: On SharePoint