Note: Majority of clinics are on the East Side

Elective Director: Robert Sidbury, MD, MPH
206-987-2158 |

Elective Contact: Linda Woltz

Residents in the dermatology elective will be participate actively in scheduled clinics, working with the attendings, fellows, residents, medical students, and Advanced Practice Providers. They are welcome to join the inpatient consult team for exposure to inpatient dermatology. Clinics occur every day of the week on Seattle Children’s Main Campus (also in Bellevue, Everett, and Federal Way). Learning objectives include improved facility with the language of dermatology; more accurate descriptions of skin lesions and morphologies; comfort with basic dermatologic therapeutics; better sense of indications for referral; and comfort level treating common dermatologic diagnoses such as viral skin rashes, acne, common infections, hemangiomas, eczema, and psoriasis.

Documents: On SharePoint