Elective Director: D. Millie Nandi-Munshi, MD
206-987-5254| debika.nandimunshi@seattlechildrens.org

Elective Contact: Lauren Hart
206-987-5037 | lauren.hart@seattlechildrens.org

Description: The endocrinology elective offers residents the opportunity to participate in outpatient clinics as well as to join the inpatient consult service. Most days are spent in various clinics. This allows the resident to have exposure to the breadth of pathology in pediatric endocrinology, including: adrenal disorders, diabetes, gonad disorders, growth disorders, lipid disorders, puberty, and thyroid disorders. Additionally, they will have the chance to participate in multidisciplinary clinics such as skeletal health/metabolic bone, differences in sex development, Prader Willi syndrome, etc. A key part of this elective also provides the opportunity for residents to spend time to observe our new onset diabetes curriculum, as well as more advance diabetes classes for in depth understanding of pediatric diabetes care. During times when they are not scheduled in outpatient clinics or classes, residents will round with the inpatient consult team and assist with the evaluation and presentation of new consults. Once a week, residents will also be able to learn in our didactic sessions and journal clubs. Residents will gain experience and understanding of the diagnostic algorithms for common endocrine disorders as well as the management of endocrinologic conditions.

Documents: On SharePoint