Wellness Resources
Information about UW GME Wellness Resources
Services through UW – open to residents and fellows: To view GME Wellness Brochure Click Here
- Mental Health- Behaviors of Concern
- GME Wellness Counseling – https://sites.uw.edu/uwgme/wellness/
- Schedule directly at https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/UGWNXJ
- Dipti Chrastka, LMFT: diptic@uw.edu
- Julia Kocian, LICSW: jkocian@uw.edu
- Patty Long-Brohm, LICSW: pattylb@uw.edu
- Howard Schafer: hischa5@uw.edu
- Amy Wheat: amywheat@uw.edu
- UW employee supportive resources: https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/employee-mental-health-support/
- UW peer support is another option. You can talk to a trained peer (confidential) about some of the stresses you experience, feeling disconnected, your experience of being an intern. https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/p2p/
- UW Employee Mental health support: https://redcap.iths.org/surveys/?s=CYCXL3HXRE
- Safe Campus Crisis Service for UW: 206 685 7233 (violence prevention and response program) https://www.washington.edu/safecampus/
- Physician support line (free confidential phone support provided by trained psychiatrists) 8 am to 1am EST: (888) 409-0141
- CareLink offering 5 free counseling sessions to UW employees: (866) 598-3978 https://hr.uw.edu/benefits/uw-carelink/
- WPHP: consultation and ongoing services: 206 583 0127 https://wphp.org/
Community Resources:
- BIPOC therapist search engine: https://www.multiculturalcounselors.org/
- NAMI BIPOC mental health resources: https://namiseattle.org/bipoc-mental-health-resources/
- https://seattlecentral.edu/campus-life/student-support-and-services/counseling/bipoc-resources
- Crisis Line (anytime you feel you need to talk to someone) available 24/7 with trained phone workers: (206) 461-3222
- Find a therapist in the community: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/wa/seattle
- HelpPro: https://www.onlinetherapy.com/
- Mental Health care for healthcare professionals through TendHealth: https://tend.health/