Are you interested in traveling to Yellowstone National Park over spring break? Want to see wolves, explore US National Park Service management, put your GIS and wildlife skills to work, or catch a bald eagle? If so, then you may be interested in taking ESRM 459 with Professors John Marzluff and Monica Moskal.
This course will provide an opportunity to examine and analyze wildlife conservation issues in Yellowstone National Park (field trip dates: March 21-28). Management of Yellowstone’s natural resources generates significant controversy because diverse and powerful stakeholders recognize that Yellowstone often acts as a conservation “weathervane” for other national parks. You will be exploring the thermal features of the Mammoth basin, eating pizza in Gardiner, and looking for otters, bighorn, pronghorn, and deer. You will be required to develop an oral presentation as a group on a topic related to the data gathered while in the park.
To be considered for the class, please email Dr. Marzluff ( the following information before Feb 15th- your name, major, class standing, and a 5 sentence paragraph stating your motivation to join the class and what you hope to learn/experince.
For more information about the course and the trip to Yellowstone, click here.