MobilizeGreen Conference and Diversity Career Fair

In partnership with the City of Seattle, College of the  Environment, the Office of Minority Affairs, and the Clean Energy Institute, MobilizeGreen is hosting its annual conference and diversity career fair at the University of Washington on April 7-8, 2016. The theme of this year’s event is: Equity & the Environment: Mobilizing the Next Generation of Leaders. Mayor Ed Murray, Leslie Weldon, the Deputy Chief for National Forest Systems, NGOs, and other federal, local government, and business employers will be at the event, which will include thought-provoking panels, workshops, and high-impact networking sessions for students.

Event details

  • Who: Diverse students and recent graduates, green employers, and thought leaders
  • What: MobilizeGreen Annual Conference and Diversity Career Fair
  • When: April 7-8, 2016
  • Where: University of Washington:  wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House and the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center
  • Event Registration: Here

Prepare to enter the 2016 UW Business Plan Competition!

We know most of you are still trying to get through finals week (good luck!). When you’re done celebrating the end of winter quarter, below is information to help you get ready to enter the 2016 BPC! 

Note all the important competition dates:

  • The team registration website is now open! Early registration is from now until March 28. Registration will continue until the submission deadline on April 4.
  • April 4: Deadline to Submit Your Executive Summary (5–7 pages)
    This is your official submission (entry) to the Business Plan Competition!
  • April 11: Announcement of Advancing Teams via email and Facebook
  • April 14:  Investment Round Resource Night | 6–7:30 pm, Paccar Hall, room 292. Mandatory information session; at least one member from each team must attend

Review the judging criteria for the Screening RoundThis is the criteria the judges will use to evaluate your 5–7 page executive summary. This webpage contains the criteria for all of the BPC rounds.

Go through the BPC Submission Checklist to ensure your 5–7 page executive summary is ready to be submitted.

Questions? Contact Amy Sallin, Assistant Director, at to view more 5–7 page executive summaries in the Buerk Center office, or if you have any questions about the process.

Resources to help you plan:  Continue reading

Simpson Strong-Tie Student Scholarship

We are happy to announce the kick off of the Simpson Strong-Tie Structural Engineering/Architecture/Construction Management Student Scholarship for the upcoming Fall 2016/2017 school year: 

Simpson Strong-Tie’s Student Scholarship Program assists students who are pursuing undergraduate study in Structural Engineering, Architecture, or Construction Management. This program offers scholarships to support education and encourage the design and building of safer structures in our communities. UW has been selected to participate in the program.

The scholarship award is $2,000 and they have eliminated the “need based” requirement. Up to 67 scholarships will be awarded for the 2016-2017 academic year! To apply to this program, students must be a junior or senior enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study in architecture or structural engineering.

The postmark deadline for students to submit the application and requested materials is April 25, 2016! Access the Application Here!

Questions? Call 507-931-6182 or Detailed information along with a brochure/application is available here!

ASCE Howard Preston Scholarship Award

The Columbia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers invites applications for the Howard Preston Scholarship Award. The purpose of the scholarship is to promote excellence and professionalism in the field of Civil Engineering. The scholarship will provide financial support for the student’s educational expenses.

Scholarships to be awarded will range from $1,000 to $2,000. Scholarships are in the form of certificates of award conditioned upon the enrollment of the student as specified under student eligibility requirements. Upon receipt of notice of enrollment from proper officials, a check for the amount of the award will be forwarded to the college or university to establish a credit for the student.

Scholarship applications and all required materials are due no later than April 18, 2016. Awardees will be selected by June 1, 2016.

CBBG Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

This summer, the NSF-funded Engineering Research Center for Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) will have several openings for paid undergraduate research through its REU Program. The goal of the CBBG is to develop sustainable biologically controlled and inspired solutions in the areas of:

  • Hazard mitigation
  • Environmental protection and restoration
  • Infrastructure construction
  • Resource development

Positions are available at CBBG’s four partner schools: Arizona State University, New Mexico State University, UC Davis, and Georgia Tech. They are seeking innovative, sustainability-minded, engineering and science undergraduate students in the disciplines of microbiology, biology, geochemistry, geology, civil engineering, plant science, soil science, geoenvironmental, engineering education, or related areas, to participate in this paid 8-week summer program. This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program will immerse REU participants in technical research and expose them to the graduate school experience as a whole, and specifically within the scope of the CBBG. The REU participants will begin the 8-week program with 1 week of training at ASU, followed by 7 weeks as part of a research team at one of the four CBBG partner universities. A broad scope of projects is available, and effort will be made to match student interests with the different projects. The REU experience will culminate in participating in the Annual NSF CBBG Meeting in late October 2016, where participants will give poster presentations of their work.

REU Project descriptions can be found here.

For more program information and how to apply Continue reading

Senior Year Advising–Advice from the Construction Faculty and 2 Seniors

Dear Juniors, 

We know that you are likely stressed about finals coming up this week, but something else to consider are the upcoming advising sessions during April that will be offered by the folks in the various CEE specialty areas. This posting is an invitation to join the Construction Group for either of two sessions that are planned for April 11 and April 18:

If you would like to hear suggestions/recommendations from the construction-oriented faculty about senior year courses, please drop in to one of two sessions we have arranged. The first is April 11, 1130 to 1220 in More 110 (limited seating). The second is a week later, April 18, 1130 to 1220 in More 220 (almost unlimited seats). Given your class schedules one of these two sessions should work for you. If you seek detailed advising, that is best done by Mariko or Brian.

Attending will be the construction faculty and two seniors. The seniors will cover why they have elected to work for contractors and how they sorted out their senior courses. Here is a document that contains the basic advising points we will be covering. Mostly, it is a course listing with courses that you might consider for next year (not just construction-oriented courses): Construction_Courses_for_Seniors–v03-13-2016

There is no sign up sheet, just show up if so inclined! 

Engineering Intern Positions with City of Lakewood Public Works

The recruitment period for Engineering Interns is now open. If you’re interested in this opportunity, please submit an application: 

Engineering Intern: Pavement Management (2 positions)

  • Job Type: Internship, Temporary-full time.
  • Salary: $15 without applicable bachelor’s degree, $18 with applicable bachelor’s degree
  • Application Due Date: March 27th, 2016
  • Location: City of Lakewood
  • Time Frame: 3 months, beginning May/June and ending August/September, depending on employees’ availability.
  • Qualifications:  Completion of at least one year of college course work towards a two or four year degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field of study. Must possess a valid Washington’s driver’s license.

Engineering Intern: Surface Water Division Managment (SWM)

  • Job Type: Internship, Temporary
  • Salary: $15 without applicable bachelor’s degree, $18 with applicable bachelor’s degree
  • Application Due Date: March 27th, 2016
  • Time Frame: Temporary, 6 month position
  • Qualifications: Completion of at least one year of college course work towards a two or four year degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field of study. Must possess a valid Washington’s driver’s license.

More Information:, select Engineering, then this position.

Scoop your own (FREE) compost!

Scoop your own GroCo compost made with Loop!

Join IslandWood and King County for World Water Day at the BrightWater Treatment Plant, where you can explore the world of water and participate in fun activities for all ages. While you’re there, scoop all the GroCo compost you need to turn your dirt around! scoop-your-own-loop-march-26-2016-notext_original

  • Where: 22509 State Route 9 SE, Woodinville, WA
  • When: March 26t 10:00 to 1:00 PM
  • Learn more & Register for World Water Day Activities: Visit the IslandWood Event Calendar
  • Learn more about scooping your own compost: No registration required! Visit the Loop Website

Details: You bring the vehicle, we’ll bring the shovels and the GroCo compost made with Loop. Each person will have 15 minutes to scoop some compost, while supplies last. Staff will be on hand to assist you. Please bring a tarp to cover your load.

As a bonus, the compost will arrive in a Loop truck, so while you scoop, kids and adults can “Touch-A-Truck”. The driver who helps deliver Loop to farms and forests around Washington will be on hand to answer questions.

*Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged by calling 206-263-9412