ENGR 231: Intro to Tech Comm

Beginning Autumn quarter 2016, the technical communication course for the majority of engineering students will change from HCDE 231 to ENGR 231. This change will be reflected in the online autumn quarter time schedule beginning tomorrow, May 6. A section of HCDE 231 will continue to be offered but will be restricted to Human Center Design & Engineering majors.

If you have questions, please email engradv@uw.edu and include ENGR 231 in the subject line.

Autumn 2016: Introduction to the Arctic Studies (ARCTIC 200)

Interested in learning about the Arctic and rising issues in the region? Enroll in ARCTIC 200: Introduction to the Arctic Studies!

The Arctic is one of the most dynamic and interesting regions of the world to study today! It is the world’s air conditioner, yet it is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the planet. Many Arctic indigenous peoples have gone from being nomadic hunters to internet users in just one generation. Meanwhile, geopolitics in the Arctic intensifies. Russia has planted a flag at the North Pole. China, with a fifth of the world’s population, demands rights to Arctic energy. This course will introduce you to the history of the Arctic, Indigenous political mobilization, international relations, and climate change issues occurring in the Arctic today.

Course Details:

  •  Time: T & TH 2:30-4:20 pm
  • Location: MEB 248
  • Credits: 3 (I&S)
  • SNL: 10442
  • Instructor: Nadine Fabbi (nfabbi@uw.edu)