Potential Travel Opportunity for Students


The Regeneration Field Institute is a 70 acre regenerative agroforestry operation and bamboo design and construction training center. Our research center works to develop and showcase a replicable model of regenerating ecosystems that inspires land-use change in the environmentally degraded and deforested regions around the world.

Bamboo Construction & Environmental Restoration in Ecuador

Immerse yourself in the beautiful biodiversity and culture of Manabi, Ecuador! Get hands-on experience designing and building with bamboo, practicing regenerative agriculture and studying environmentally regenerative work.

Hosted by: Regeneration Field Institute (www.regenerationfieldinstitute.com)

Dates: June 14-23, 2025

Location: Manabi, Ecuador (specifically Chone and Bahia de Caraquez), an environmentally degraded region of the world

Cost: $1800 plus airfare and insurance

Program Details: This course offers immersive, experiential learning to cover topics on post disaster construction, environmental design, sustainable architecture and engineering, regenerative agriculture, ecosystem restoration, wildlife conservation, biological diversity, agriculture, agroforestry, social and environmental impact and enterprises, natural resource management and more. You will learn from local field experts, get to build bamboo structures with your hands to support local communities, and be surrounded by the biodiversity and beauty of natural, native Ecuador which RFI is working to protect, regenerate, and preserve.

Other details: Flights are in/out of Quito, we will book tickets once everyone has their initial deposits paid.

Interest Formhttps://forms.gle/tMwRxLftR77iBPzA6

Regenerative Design, Ecosystem Restoration & Bamboo Building opportunity for students at UW


My name is Makenna Jones and I am a fourth year studying biology at UW. This year I am working to establish a new student organization at UW in collaboration with the Regeneration Field Institute. I am excited to partner with an organization focusing on regenerative land management, ecosystem restoration, regenerative agriculture and sustainable construction and affordable housing. Their work in coastal Ecuador is amazing and I know there are many other students that can benefit from what they are teaching. 

The Regeneration Field Institute is a 70 acre regenerative agroforestry operation and bamboo design and construction training center. Our research center works to develop and showcase a replicable model of regenerating ecosystems that inspires land-use change in the environmentally degraded and deforested regions around the world.

Bamboo Construction & Environmental Restoration in Ecuador

Immerse yourself in the beautiful biodiversity and culture of Manabi, Ecuador! Get hands-on experience designing and building with bamboo, practicing regenerative agriculture and studying environmentally regenerative work.

Hosted by: Regeneration Field Institute (www.regenerationfieldinstitute.com)

Dates: June 14-23, 2025

Location: Manabi, Ecuador (specifically Chone and Bahia de Caraquez), an environmentally degraded region of the world

Cost: $1800 plus airfare and insurance Continue reading