Graham Construction and Engineering information session: Friday, November 15th, 2024 @3:30

Hi all,

How are you doing after the two career fairs earlier this quarter? Well, if you have an interest in building things, here’s your opportunity. Graham is coming to More Hall to talk about their company and their open positions for interns and full-time hires. Please come. The pizza is good, the jobs are real, and time is convenient. It’s like a happy hour with jobs and internships!

What: Graham Construction and Engineering information session

When: Friday, 11/15/24 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Where: More Hall, Room 221

Food: Pizza provided

Why go: they have jobs and internships…and a great pizza lead in to the evening game vs. UCLA

Graham consistently hires our students as interns and full-time hires. They work on interesting local projects including the SR 520 Montlake project (they are just finishing that one up), the I-405/NE 85th interchange in Kirikland, as well as local high schools, business centers and residential complexes.