ASCE Officer Applications


The American Society of Civil Engineers is creating two more officer positions for Winter and Spring Quarter! We are looking for sophomores/juniors for these positions who wish to become integrated with the officer board of UW-ASCE for this and future years. This is a great opportunity to gain leadership and team skills, and you will have the opportunity to possibly take over my role as next year’s ASCE president.

The following two positions are listed below:

Communications Chair: You will be our direct link with the Department of Civil Engineering. You will reach out to companies and agencies for possible engagement. This engagement can come in the form of Lunch & Learns, site tours, or anything else that engineering firms have to offer.

Fundraising Chair: Any opportunities for either direct donations or fundraising events will be directed by you. You will work along side our treasurer to track the current finances of the club.

If you are interested, please fill out the form via the link below. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

PCC UCo Internship Search Party Event


Looking for internships? The PCC Undergraduate Cohort (UCo) will be hosting an internship search party on Thursday, November 21st at 6pm in Savery 132. The event will kick off with summer internship information, resources for finding internships, and application tips. The session will then turn into a search party to give students dedicated time to find and bookmark internships they are interested in. Our goal is to help summer internships feel more approachable and get a head start on applying. 

This event is the first of our Undergraduate Involvement series where we will help undergraduates on preparing for summer internships, provide application workshops, and provide on campus resources and opportunities in climate science with this event focusing on getting ahead of the applications cycle.

Snacks and an excel sheet organizer will be provided!

URGENT: WIN25 – CEE 440 Time Conflict with CEE 347 lab? Response Needed

Hello CEE Majors,

We’ve been made aware of the time conflict in WIN25 between CEE 440 Professional Practice and the remaining CEE 347: Fluid Mechanics labs (CEE 347 labs AJ and AK).

If this time conflict is preventing you from registering for both classes, please respond to this email at your earliest convenience.

Make sure to include your name and ID number.

Thank you!

REMINDER Graham Construction and Engineering information session: Friday, November 15th, 2024 @3:30

Good afternoon, Friday!

One last reminder that Graham Construction and Engineering will be in More Hall this afternoon with PIZZA, JOBS, and INTERNSHIPS. They want to talk to you about their company and these opportunities. At the very least…hey, free pizza to kick off the weekend. 

What: Graham Construction and Engineering information session

When: Friday, 11/15/24 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Where: More Hall, Room 221

Food: Pizza provided

Why go: they have jobs and internships…and a great pizza lead in to the evening game vs. UCLA