CEE Faculty Presentation – Faisal Hossain to speak today (Th, 10/28 @ 3:30pm)

Hello CEE Students,

Just a reminder, CEE’s own Dr. Faisal Hossain will be presenting today at 3:30pm in More 230 or over zoom at https://washington.zoom.us/j/96665627877.

Dr. Hossain is a dynamic and engaging speaker and I highly recommend that you try to attend if it works with your schedule.

Please see the abstract below.


See you there!

Let’s Tell Our Stories
I’ve always enjoyed interacting with students as part of my day job as a faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. But what I have enjoyed even more was my night job, where I continue to moonlight as a struggling film-maker to tell stories. While that alternate path didn’t pay my bills (which is why I still show up to work for my day job), I have always found storytelling a very cathartic experience that kept my sanity. In this talk, I will make the case of why telling stories should be an important part of one’s career development as it helps both the story teller as well as the audience in many ways. I will make the case why we should talk, write and document more openly our failures rather than focus only on our accomplishments as we normally do today. Next, I will introduce the UW Student film-making contest for STEM students on campus. A small sample of student-made short films will be showcased to prove that any good story teller can become a great film-maker with little effort. All that is needed is a genuine story coming from the heart that the rest of us can learn from

Faisal Hossain to speak this Thursday at 3:30 (Oct 28)

Come to More Hall 230 or Log into Zoom this Thursday at 3:30 at


to hear Faisal Hossain:

Let’s Tell Our Stories

I’ve always enjoyed interacting with students as part of my day job as a faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. But what I have enjoyed even more was my night job, where I continue to moonlight as a struggling film-maker to tell stories. While that alternate path didn’t pay my bills (which is why I still show up to work for my day job), I have always found storytelling a very cathartic experience that kept my sanity. In this talk, I will make the case of why telling stories should be an important part of one’s career development as it helps both the story teller as well as the audience in many ways. I will make the case why we should talk, write and document more openly our failures rather than focus only on our accomplishments as we normally do today. Next, I will introduce the UW Student film-making contest for STEM students on campus. A small sample of student-made short films will be showcased to prove that any good story teller can become a great film-maker with little effort. All that is needed is a genuine story coming from the heart that the rest of us can learn from.

Pactrans 2021 Virtual Student Conference

Pactrans is hosting another Virtual Student Conference this year!

2021 PacTrans Student Conference 

Monday, November 8th & Tuesday, November 9th

9:00am – 11:30am


Learn about the transportation industry directly from professionals!

Many excellent speakers are providing their time to present and answer your questions.

Available to all interested student at no cost!

Hosted through Zoom.

Poster Competition:

Cash prize! Present your research with the chance to win cash prizes for the top 3 presentations!

Assessed based on the rubric provided.

Cash prizes have been provided by our sponsors:

  • Coral Sales Co, and
  • Fehr & Peers


Sign up using the link below!

2021 PacTrans Region 10 Virtual Student Conference Sign Up Sheet (google.com)

No registration fees.

Emails will be sent to all registrants with more information.


A variety of transportation topics will be presented!

  • Urban transportation planning
  • Connected and automated vehicles
  • Truck freight transport

And more!

Join the Environmental Policy Student Association on Wednesday Oct. 20!

Hey Huskies!

Are you interested in environmental policy?

Then join the Environmental Policy Student Association!

We’re a group of students passionate about engaging with peers, professors, and professionals in the field on a range of environmental policy topics. This includes environmental and climate justice, sustainability, climate governance, environmental decision making, careers in environmental policy, and so much more!

Join us for discussion nights, guest speakers, a career panel, and a space to meet people with similar interests in environmental policy.

We’re meeting this Wednesday Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in Savery 156; please sign up below to be sure you stay updated.

Here’s a link to find out more information about EPSA, as well as ways to stay connected with us!


Furthermore, we ask that all who plan on attending this meeting and all future meetings are in compliance with the UW Vaccination Policy and the UW Face Masking Policy. Please self-monitor your health for COVID-19 symptoms in the days prior to our meetings and stay home if you’re feeling sick. Thank you all for helping us stay safe, healthy, and in-person this fall!

Feel free to email epsa with any questions at epsa@uw.edu, sign up via our sign up sheet, or visit us on instagram @EPSAUW

We’re excited to see you!


Jim Thomson Seminar – Oct 21st

You are all invited to attend this Thursday’s seminar either in person (More Hall 230) or virtual via Zoom:  https://washington.zoom.us/j/96665627877

Jim Thomson:  1,621 Days at sea

Jim Thomson has been messing around on boats for 40 years.   The early days were sailing and working as a deckhand along the coast of Maine, then summer jobs in boatyards and stints as a delivery captain.  This had little connection to anything academic, until someone eventually pointed out that there was a lot of science and engineering happening in and on the ocean.  That led to a graduate program studying waves and coastal engineering at MIT/Woods Hole, and then a research position at UW.   Since joining UW, Jim’s focus has expanded to include instrumentation development and work in the open ocean, especially polar regions.  His ongoing work emphasizes using autonomous platforms for data collection in remote areas and miniaturization of instruments to improve spatial coverage.

2021 PNW ASCE Virtual Student Conference Starting Apr 15

UW ASCE is proud to be hosting the 2021 Pacific Northwest ASCE Student Conference!
The Conference is one of many regional student conferences held annually that allow students to showcase their skills and achievements by designing, building, and/or competing in various civil engineering activities. The Pacific Northwest region (PNW) comprises 14 universities from Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. This year, they are expecting over 200 students in attendance.
The conference will be taking place between April 15th and 17th and will be held over Remo.
UW CEE students are encouraged to attend this event and see what students from other schools have been up to. Attendance to this event will be open to all members of the general public so be sure to also invite friends, family, and other students who are interested in seeing the different competitions and projects!
Please make sure to RSVP here. More information about the conference, the competitions taking place, and the event schedule can be found here.
Please contact asce@uw.edu with any further questions.

ASCE Student Conference – Competition Interest Form due TODAY

Just a reminder that if you would like to participate in the Timber Strong Design Build competition for the ASCE Student Conference, you must turn in the interest form by today, Friday, March 5th! More information on this competition can be found in the interest form or at the conference website.
Also, for the Environmental and Sustainable Solutions competitions submissions of the interest form will be accepted up until Friday, March 12th, but after today you must send an email expressing your interest to asce@uw.edu in addition to filling out the form.
The Conference will be taking place virtually from April 15th to the 17th.
Competitions that are still open to sign up for (can also be found on the conference website):
  • Timber Strong Design Build – Rules
  • Water Treatment (Environmental) – Rules
  • Sustainable Solutions – Rules

Interest Form for 2021 ASCE PNW Student Conference Competitions

The University of Washington will be hosting the 2021 ASCE PNW Student Conference Competition on April 15th to April 17th, 2021. As a part of the student conference, several competitions will take place, including the ASCE Surveying Competition, ASCE Timber Strong Design Build Competition, ASCE Environmental Competition, ASCE Sustainable Solutions Competition.

If you are interested in participating in any of the competitions that will be held at the 2021 ASCE PNW Student Conference Competitions, please complete this INTEREST FORM and ASCE UW will reach out to you with further information on the competition guidelines and help with forming a team if needed.

More information about what each competition encompasses are linked in the interest form above. Please reach out to ASCE at asce@uw.eduif you have any further questions about any of the competitions, or if you have questions about the conference in general.

Register to Attend the 2020 Pactrans Virtual Student Conference on Nov 18-19

Pactrans will be hosting their 2020 Region 10 Student Conference virtually this year.  Please register here if you have not already done so. This is also the place to sign up for both of the competitions if you wish to participate. As a reminder this conference will be held over two days on November 18th and 19th

If you have questions, email samuelsr@uw.edu for more info.

Learn even more about the Pactrans conference here. Learn more about Pactrans itself here.

Check out the Conference schedule and learn more about the different events by continuing to read.

Continue reading