Spring Special Topics Course Opportunity – AA 598 – Kinetic Simulations


AA 598 – Kinetic Simulations

3 credits

SLN: 10055

Spring 2024

Time: 11:30-12:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Location: MUE 154

Instructor: Dr. Bhuvana Srinivasan

Email: srinbhu@uw.edu

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with techniques for simulating plasmas on a range of spatial and temporal scales with applications including electrodynamics, waves, turbulence, space propulsion, spacecraft environmental effects, and the laboratory.

Learning objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  1. Identify regimes for which kinetic simulation techniques are necessary
  2. Understand the discretization and algorithmic details for particle-in-cell models for
  3. electrostatic and electromagnetic regimes
  4. Develop and write their own particle-in-cell codes to address plasma instabilities and
  5. nonlinear plasma dynamics in kinetic regimes
  6. Relate results from kinetic simulations to kinetic theory
  7. Understand hybrid models


Recommend the Wellness and Resilience Class Series for Writing and SSc Credit


As students come in to plan for their spring quarter registration, remember to recommend EDUC 215 Wellness and Resilience for College and Beyond, now approved for writing credits!

The class will be particularly helpful for first year and/or transfer students to get started out with tips and tools to make the most out of their time at UW! It is also great for seniors as they prepare to graduate and enter the workforce!

In EDUC 215, students learn skills to enhance their well being in college and in their life in general. Particular focus is paid to skills that help students withstand common difficulties in life, like a disagreement with a loved one, tolerating doing work you don’t want to do, and managing negative emotions in a healthy way. Skills will include but will not be limited to mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Students will also learn about research underlying stress, resilience, and related skill areas.

For EDUC 215, there are two times and modalities to take this 5 credit class that also provides SSc credit. The first section will be fully in person meeting for lectures on Thursdays from 2:30-5:20pm PST with a one hour in person quiz section on Fridays for small group activities. The second section is a fully virtual section with virtual lectures on Tuesdays from 11:30am-2:20pm PST and then virtual synchronous quiz sections for one hour on Fridays. Asynchronous accomodations for lecture can be easily coordinated (synchronous participation in the one hour quiz section on Fridays is required). Continue reading

AA 598 Special Topic Course Exp. Structural Dynamics Sp 2024

Hello, Grad & UG advisers in MSE, BioE, ME, ECE, CEE and Physics,

AA 598 Virtual & Experimental Structural Dynamics

A new special topics course, Spring quarter

Course content: Virtual and experimental techniques focusing on modern optical methods such as optical flow for characterizing the structural dynamics of aerospace, mechanical, and biological systems. Optical flow is a powerful computer vision method for describing image motion. You will learn advanced non-contact sensing techniques, such as high-speed imaging, high-speed thermal imaging, and Laser Doppler Vibrometry. These techniques will be compared to conventional sensors. 

Prerequisites: Senior or first-year graduate status, and courses in linear algebra and ordinary differential equations. A course in vibrations is recommended but not required. Continue reading

CET 587: Transportation Logistics Class Time

Hello CE grads,

CET 587: Transportation Logistics (described below) currently conflicts with CET 586 on Thursday afternoons. If you are interested in taking 587 this spring, please fill out the following survey indicating the alternative time(s) that would work for you.


Spring Course GEN ST 297A Undergraduate Seminar on the UN SDGs

Dear Advisor in CEE:

The Population Health Initiative and the Office of Global Affairs are coordinating this seminar course on the UN SDGs. This seminar series will feature Professor Julian Marshall from CEE. Would you mind sharing this course information with students in your major? Please find the course information below and flyer attached. Thank you very much!

Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Global Goals, Local Actions

The Office of Global Affairs and Population Health Initiative are partnering to offer a one credit General Studies course that will introduce students to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, research at the University of Washington aligned with those goals, and the role the goals play in improving population health, societies, and the environment, both locally and globally. Continue reading

Ecological Biomechanics and other Summer quarter Friday Harbor Labs courses

Hello all,

For any upper-level undergrad or grad student interested in materials engineering or science, biomaterials, or in biomechanics, there’s a fascinating opportunity to take a 9 credit Summer term A class up at the UW’s Friday Harbor Labs in Washington State’s San Juan Islands.  Scholarships are available for this fabulous and unique opportunity.  Please share with your departments and your graduate advisor colleagues as appropriate.

FHL468A | SUMMER A 2024

Ecological Biomechanics

Credits: 9 | Instructor(s): Dr. Emily Carrington , Dr. Mark Denny

Full course details are available at Ecological Biomechanics (uw.edu)

Full details and application materials for this program and Friday Harbor Labs are available at or off of Course Descriptions | Friday Harbor Laboratories (uw.edu).  The application page direct link is at Apply to Take a Course | Friday Harbor Laboratories (uw.edu)

SEEKING STUDENTS: Apply to Summer Courses at Friday Harbor Labs!


We are still looking for applicants for Summer courses at Friday harbor Labs.

APPLY NOW for Summer term 2024 at Friday Harbor Labs!

Come spend five weeks on beautiful San Juan Island exploring the tide pools, learning in a hands-on lab environment, and “diving” into lectures about the diverse life found in our ocean. Friday Harbor Labs offers a unique classroom setting for marine science course work and allows students to learn research techniques and field skills. We host research focused courses where students can actively participate in projects to explore the subjects they are passionate about and grow as early career scientists.  

We welcome students from everywhere; price of the term is the same no matter where you are coming from AND we offer scholarships!

This summer we are offering advanced courses open to undergraduate and graduate students.  Check out the University of Washington credited courses we are offering this summer.

APPLY NOW through our Summer course applications.

Any questions about courses, scholarships from FHL, or living on San Juan Island can be directed towards Maia Kreis at fhlstudents@uw.edu.

Unique Data Science Classes of methods with HPC and Cloud

Good afternoon, engineering advisers,

Please help us to share the information and flyer of “MSE 479/544: Big Data and Materials Informatics” with your undergrad and grad students. This unique class provides knowledge and training in applications of high-performance computing and cloud computing resources, class is developed by the MSE department, the Chemistry department in collaboration with eScience and UW-IT, and is sponsored by Microsoft Azure Cloud.

We welcome all students who meet the prerequisites or have completed equivalent classes.  

Please feel free to contact Professor Luna Huang (huangyue@uw.edu) and Professor Ting Cao (tingcao@uw.edu) for more information.

Flyer_MSE 544_2024

SPR24 Registration Planning

Hi CEE Majors,

We just made a canvas post with instructions for registering and planning for SPR24 classes. We had some IT issues with our canvas page last week, so if you aren’t able to access it, please let us know! In the meantime, the post is duplicated below – let us know if you have any questions !


This week’s post is all about preparing for SPR24 registration, which begins on Friday, February 9. There is a lot of information here, so please make sure to review everything.

SPR24 Registration & Planning

The SPR24 time schedule is now live, and Period I registration begins on Friday, February 9. If you’re unsure of your registration date, you can check it here or on your MyUW portal. When planning, reference the Current Undergraduate Student Page for degree requirements and projected course offerings in CEE.

SPR24 Notices: 

    • CEE Capstones: While some of our capstones are already underway, there are four spring-quarter capstone options available as well – CEE 441 (Transportation), CEE 442 (Structures/geotech), CEE 444 (Hydraulics/Hydrology) and CEE 445 (Environmental). For a detailed description of each capstone project, check the “Files” page on canvas.
    • CEE 490: Air Pollution Control will likely no longer be offered next quarter. If this changes, we will let you know, but for now, plan on taking an alternate class.
    • CEE 378: Structural Analysis is essential for all students interested in pursuing a structural and/or Continue reading