Hello CEE Majors,
We’ve got a few updates below but I wanted to reiterate the importance of your degree audit. Your Degree Audit (DARS) is the tool that University of Washington uses to track your progress to degree. If there are requirements missing from your degree audit, the University will not grant your degree.
So, if you have taken STAT 311 to satisfy your statistics requirement, you need to make sure that STAT 311 is showing up when you refresh your DARS. This is true of all degree requirements that appear on your DARS.
I purposefully chose STAT 311 to use as an example because STAT 311 is approved for statistics at the dept level only. DARS will not show STAT 311 unless you have communicated with one of your CEE advisers that you have taken STAT 311 and that it is not showing up on your DARS.
To run a fresh degree audit, use the MyPlan “Audit Degree (DARS)” option. (We do not recommend using the MyPlan “Audit Plan” option as it misses some of the nuance in our degree programs)
Read about updates to courses, updates to Senior Year Faculty Mentoring sessions, important deadlines, mental health resources, and graduating info. As always, you know how to find us if you have questions or items to discuss!
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