Paid Job Opportunity: Marine Subtidal Invertebrate Applied Science Project


Great paid research opportunity that can be done by a combo of telework and work at SAFS. Students must have taken an Invertebrate Zoology course and apply by July 1, 2024. See attached ad or text information below.

Paid Job Opportunity: marine subtidal invertebrate applied science project

In a collaborative project with King County biologists, we are seeking a motivated team of 2-4 students to 1) identify and quantify organisms in photographs from settling plates in deep central Puget Sound water; 2) conduct data analyses; and 3) write a report and possibly a journal article describing the project and results.


Teleworking and SAFS, University of Washington, Seattle. Most of the project can be done remotely as the photos will be uploaded to a website for access.

Project Description

To assess the habitat provided by a wastewater outfall pipe, King County placed settling plates at 4 locations (-100t, -300, & -600 ft depths) next to the outfall and at a -600 ft reference site. The plates remained in place for 2, 5, and 10 years. The goal of this project is to assess whether the pipe provided useful habitat for marine organisms, and if organisms near the outfall were similar at the reference site.

In total, there are 880 photos available for analysis, with a minimum of 320 photos that need to be analyzed. An important element of quality control will come from having multiple people extract numbers from the same plate. The data can be subjected to numerous analyses, with students having the opportunity to pose their own questions (e.g. differences among depths, years, and outfall versus the Continue reading

Recruiting for Study about Video Games and Earthquake Preparedness


This opportunity may be of interest to some of you! See below.

Lewis & Clark College professors Elizabeth Safran, Erik Nilsen, Peter Drake, and Bryan Sebok are using video games to study earthquake preparedness. We are seeking participants ages 18-29 for a study and we ask for your assistance in recruitment.  

Play a video game on your computer and earn some money! 

If you are between the ages of 18-29 and have a .edu email, you are invited to participate in an online study. You will be asked to play a video game on a computer (phones or tablets will not work) using a Google Chrome browser (other browsers will not work reliably) and complete a survey beforehand and afterwards. The entire process should take no longer than an hour and should be completed in a single session. You will also be contacted in three months to complete a short follow-up survey.

As compensation for your time, you will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. 

If you are interested in participating in this research, please complete this brief screening survey. If you are selected to participate we will send the study information within 4 business days of completing the screener. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Safran at This research has been approved by Lewis & Clark College’s Institutional Review Board (Project #IRB 2022-18).

Please feel free to contact us with questions.

Thank you for your support,

The Cascadia9game Research Team

Extended Deadline & Cash Prizes at WEST 2024: Submit Your Research Now!

Dear student researchers,

Great news! We’ve extended the abstract submission deadline for the 2024 Water and Environment Student Talks (WEST) Conference to April 22nd – giving you more time to prepare and submit findings from your groundbreaking research. We also welcome abstracts from students at the beginning of their studies who are eager to share their research plans.

Submit your abstracts and register for the conference HERE!!

Scheduled for 12-14 June 2024, WEST 2024 allows you to join us either virtually for free or in-person at a low cost of $7 CAD per day. In-person events will be held at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver campus.

WEST 2024 highlights:

  • Free virtual attendance, ensuring accessibility for students across the globe.
  • Affordable in-person experience with complimentary lunch on Days 2 and 3 ($7 CAD per day).
  • Cash prizes ranging from $50 to $300 CAD for outstanding research presentations in every session. Continue reading

VISIONS’24 At Sea Applications Are Up

Hey all,

This is an AMAZING opportunity for students to spend up to two weeks on a 274-foot research vessel in the summer. They love having Engineering students participate. 

If you have ever wondered what it is like to participate on a sea-going oceanographic research cruise onboard a global class ship using an underwater robotic vehicle diving to depths of 10,000 ft, please consider applying to the UW VISIONS’24 program. There are no requirements, and the program is open to all UW students no matter what your major is. There will be 3 legs of the cruise onboard the UW 274 ft-long R/V Atlantis a global class research ship hosting the robotic vehicle Jason. The Atlantis also hosts the 3-person submarine Alvin. Each leg will be ~ 8-12 days long starting August 10 until September 14, 2024. Students can participate on one or more legs. There are no costs to students and transportation is provided to/from the ship (Seattle to Newport, OR). 

This is the annual maintenance cruise for the largest underwater observatory (called the Regional Cabled Array) in the oceans directly connected to the Internet. Team members include engineers and scientists from the UW Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, as well as the ship and ROV Continue reading

Department Heads Community : Announcement of NSF Great Lakes Wind Energy (GLWind) Site Summer 2024

Department Heads Community

Announcement of NSF Great Lakes Wind Energy (GLWind) Site Summer 2024

We are pleased to announce the NSF-funded research experience for students (REU).   The GLWind REU Program provides excellent research opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in wind energy related research in Summer 2024.

REU students will work closely with a group of faculty mentors from Mechanical engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Aerospace, and Urban Studies at the Cleveland State University (CSU) and the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. Application through NSF EPAT site:…

Join our team and support climate justice research & outreach!

Do you have a background in the social sciences and a passion for climate or environmental justice? Apply to join the Climate Impacts Group team! 


We are hiring a research scientist to support climate justice research and outreach through the Northwest Climate Resilience Collaborative. The research scientist will help create case studies and synthesis reports related to climate justice, community-based research, and projects within the Northwest Climate Resilience Collaborative. Additionally, this position will support the development and logistics of a climate justice summer institute and other projects.

Applicant screening will begin March 25. Learn more on the Climate Impacts Group website.

Short-Term Engineering Research Summer Camp in Taichung, Taiwan (NCHU)

Hi CEE students,

Please take a look at this great opportunity!

National Chung Hsing University has invited us to nominate one student to participate in their 2024 College of Engineering Summer Camp, a 2-week experience including directed research in one of the below NCHU research groups:

  • Department of Civil Engineering 
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering 
  • Department of Environmental Engineering 
  • Department of Chemical Engineering 
  • Department of Materials Engineering 
  • Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 
  • Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 

Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. There are no charges for tuition, accommodations, or food for the program, though students are responsible for additional expenses including travel costs.

If you are interested, follow the directions in the attached documents, sending application materials to me (Sarah Pauling by email by Monday, March 25.

Summer Camp leaflet & Itinerary 2024_1228

NCHU summer camp 2024 application form & consent letter

Taiwan Summer Internship Program 2024

Paid Undergrad Position in the Mountain Hydrology Research Group


The Mountain Hydrology Research Group ( ) is looking to hire 1 to 2 undergraduate research assistants to start in January 2024 and continue until the end of fall quarter 2024 (with possible extension beyond).   Students will be engaged in an active program of research examining snow and water processes in mountains.

Students are expected to attend weekly group meetings (currently 10:30-11:30 am on Fridays, adjusted each quarter based on class schedules) and individual check-ins (weekly or bi-weekly, to be scheduled).  Pay rate is $18.69/hr.  Interested students should send a 1-page cover letter, in which the student introduces themselves and why they want the job, and 1-page resume, including relevant coursework, GPA, and work experience, via e-mail to Professor Jessica Lundquist at .  The e-mail must include the subject line “Undergrad Job Application” and the body of the e-mail should specify which dates and times the student would be available for an interview, preferably in person but may be on zoom, during the week of December 4 to December 8.  Applications received by November 30 will be given preference, although the position will be open until filled.  Students early in their university career (freshman, sophomores) are especially encouraged to apply.

A specific job description follows, but this may be adjusted based on applicant interest and group needs.

Outreach Manager (5-10 hours per week during the academic year) Continue reading

Get Involved in Climate Research! – Panel and Presentation by UW PCC UCo, November 7th

Dear Students,

Grab a slice of pizza and join the Program on Climate Change Undergraduate Cohort on Tuesday November 7th from 4:30-6:00pm in room 110 in the Life Sciences Building to learn about finding undergraduate research opportunities, especially in climate science! There will be a presentation from a representative of the office of Undergraduate Research about how to get involved in research in general, as well as a Q&A panel of current undergrads engaged in climate science sharing their research experiences.  

UW Program on Climate Change Undergraduate Cohort  

Opportunity for undergraduate students w/ CEE RAPID facility


The CEE RAPID facility is looking to hire two undergraduate research assistants (URA) for fall, winter, and spring 2023-24. The appointments will be approximately 10 hours per week.

The job may be appropriate for undergraduates at all levels depending on qualifications (freshmen -> seniors).

Information on how to apply is in the attached pdf.

This is an amazing opportunity and I highly _2023recommend taking a look at the important work that the RAPID facility is doing!