NHERI Research Experiences for Undergraduates Summer Program (Info Session Details Included)

Hello CEE Majors –

Are you interested in natural hazards research from an engineering or social science perspective?

Did you know most participants in the NHERI REU Summer Program have not participated in research before their summer experience?

Learn more about National Science Foundation’s NHERI REU program.

The NHERI Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program offers funded research opportunities at 11 multi-hazard engineering sites during a 10-week summer research program. Study earthquake, wind, tsunami, coastal engineering, data management, cyberinfrastructure, post reconnaissance, simulation, or social science topics. Travel funding provided, a housing subsidy, and a $6000 stipend for the 10-week summer program. Underrepresented minority, women, and military veteran undergraduate students are encouraged to apply.

Attend the one of four REU Virtual Information Sessions on Tuesday, October 24, November 14, December 12, 2023, or January 23, 2024, 5:00 – 6:00 pm Central Time.

Register today online. Continue reading

Job Opportunity: Hourly Research Assistant

Hello Students,

I am seeking an 10 hr per week undergraduate (senior) or graduate research assistant for one or more quarters to advance development of a database of computer models of building structures for use in assessing regional earthquake risk. Activities will include all or some of the following: i) use of UW library journal publication databases (e.g., web of science and engineering village) to identify papers that present suites of building models developed by others, ii) development of a spreadsheet that characterize the building models, and iii) creation of python wrappers for model files to create uniform input/output formats for all models. The preferred applicant will have solid matlab and/or python coding skills, interest in expanding python coding skills, knowledge of structural analysis and design, and interest in structural and earthquake engineering. Per UW contracts and standards, undergraduate research assistants will be paid $19.25/hr and graduate research assistants will be paid $22.13/hr.

If you would like additional information, please email me to set up a time to talk in-person or via zoom. If you are interested in this job opportunity, email me a copy of your resume, UW transcript along with a short note explaining why you are interested in this job by September 29.

Laura N. Lowes <lowes@uw.edu>

Landslide Risk Research Opportunity

Dear students,

I would like to hire an hourly research intern (either undergrad or MS student) to help me with two small projects on landslide risk. The project sites include earthquake impacted areas in southeastern Turkiye, where the earthquake last February triggered landslides and debris flows; and several wildfire sites in northwestern Cascades where landslides may be expected as roots die within several years.  ArcGIS and QGIS skills and some experience with Python are desired. This position may evolve into a PhD research assistantship, conditioned on the outcome of a pending NASA proposal. Several landslide data sets will be evaluated and preliminary models will be run using the Landlad earth surface modeling toolkit (landlab.github.io). We will also work with the NHERI RAPID facility to process point cloud data from drone surveys.

If you are interested, please email me your CV, and a shot statement explaining your background, interests, and any ArcGIS, QGIS, and Python experience.

Erkan Istanbulluoglu <erkani@uw.edu>

Get ENGR 321 credit for your Summer Internship or Research!

Do you have an engineering role (e.g., internship, research) this summer, for which you’d like course credit that applies to your graduation requirement? ENGR 321 is a fee-based course that provides opportunity for reflection on your professional development, centered around your summer role.

For more information on the assignments and/or to start the enrollment process, go to: https://www.engr.washington.edu/current/careercenter/intern

Questions? Email engrint@uw.edu

Undergrad Research Assistant Position Open in SAFS Lab – Apply by May 19

Undergraduate Research Assistant, starting June 2023.

  • Interest in algal-zooplankton-microbe ecological research (laboratory Closed Ecological Systems)
  • comfortable with basic inorganic chemistry (molar quantities) some simple gas laws
  • computer skills including Microsoft Suite.
  • Experience with statistics, Endnote or aquatic chemistry is a plus.
  • Will gain expertise in algal and Daphnia culture techniques; sterilization procedures (autoclaving), complex chemically defined media; experimental design, general laboratory procedures, instrumentation, and dishwashing.
  • Must be able to lift 35 pounds.
  • Preference for student with more than one year of time left at UW Seattle.
  • Approximately 10 hours/week, $18.69/hr

Please fill out the following application https://forms.gle/irPQExRDf861jy1D8 and send an e-mail to taub@uw.edu with your unofficial transcript attached.

DEADLINE: May 19, 2023

Questions? Email Dr. Frieda Taub, taub@uw.edu

Summer Undergrad Research Opportunity

The Neumann and Butman research groups are looking to hire an undergraduate over the summer to work on a project investigating the environmental impacts of artificial turf. The research will involve visiting turf sites, making environmental measurements, and conducting surveys. The position will be paid, $17.27/hour. If you are interested, please email me and Dr Butman (David) your resume and a short summary of why you are interested in the position.

Student Position Opening: Summer Field Technician in Freshwater Ecology

Summer Field Technician in Freshwater Ecology – UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences

The Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab (https://www.oldenfish.com/) at the University of Washington is hiring a full-time (40 hours/week) field research assistant to work in Seattle, WA and the John Day River Basin, Oregon, during the summer 2023. We are looking for a highly motivated individual who has a passion for freshwater ecology and fisheries, and is hard-working, adaptable, detail-oriented, and enjoys working as part of a team. Research assistants are critical members of our team and are essential to making science happen. The research assistant will be involved with a new research project exploring the ecological consequences of fish and crayfish invasions for native salmonids in the John Day River Basin, Oregon. Full description is attached.

DURATION: June 12 – Sept 12, 2023 (flexible)
COMPENSATION: $18.69/hour and all lodging and meals paid. 40 hours a week maximum.
TO APPLY: Send a single PDF application to Julian Olden (olden@uw.edu) with the following info: Continue reading

Sunday Deadline for LSAMP Scientist Program

Hello Everyone,

I hope that everyone is doing well! Please send a reminder to your students that the LSAMP Scientist Program Application is due this Sunday, April 2nd. Details are below and attached.

LSAMP Scientist Program Information

Are you wanting to gain research experience? Apply for the UW LSAMP Scientist Program by this Sunday, April 2nd.  This 9 week summer research program is meant for students with little to no research experience. Information about the program and mentors: https://depts.washington.edu/lsamp/lsamp-scientist-program/

What is the LSAMP Scientist Program?

A 9-week summer research program for students with little to no research experience. Students are matched with a faculty mentor for the summer based on similar interests​​.

Why would students recommend this program?

  • “It served as a valuable first step into involving myself in research, along with the other aspects of research like making posters and writing abstracts. It also provided me with the chance to continue working in the lab during the academic year. The program also provided a cohort of like-minded students who also shared similar interests and experiences to me.”
  • “I think it’s a great opportunity for people with little to no research experience. I also think the people and the environment were very welcoming.”
  • “It opened my eyes to possibilities I haven’t thought of and information I never knew of.”

Continue reading

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Opportunity

THINK Lab is hiring undergraduate research assistants for Summer 2023! Undergraduates will have the opportunity to expand their research skills at a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This research experience will provide hands-on experience on NSF research projects, with mentorship from current graduate students and the PI.

THINK Lab is a research lab in the transportation engineering department at the University of Washington directed by Dr. Cynthia Chen. Our work focuses on the intersection of human behavior, the built environment and larger infrastructure systems, and data science. Current projects span from uncovering biases in big data, understanding food accessibility and resilience, and modeling bus ridership changes post-COVID. Learn more about the lab and meet the team here.

Learn more about the position and apply for a THINK Lab NSF REU here!

The application closes on April 15, 2023. We will reach out if you have been selected for an interview by April 22nd and will release final decisions around May 1st.

Please email Kaitlyn Ng (kng9@uw.edu) if you have any questions.


NSF Great Lakes Wind Energy REU-Summer 2023

Dear Students,

Hope everything is well with your semester!

We are pleased to announce the solicitation of application for Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) at NSF Great Lakes Wind Energy Program (GLWind REU Site) in Summer 2023.

The opportunity is posted on the NSF ETAP website “REU Site – Great Lakes Wind Energy Challenges (Summer 2023)”


More detailed program information can be found at
