SECOND UPDATE: Please take the 2024 UW CEE End-of-Year Undergraduate Survey

First, if you have not…

Please take the survey:

We have made progress, but let’s pick it up and get everyone done this week. Take a moment to fill this out as a break from studying and final projects this week.



Thanks to the 137 folks that completed the end-of-year survey so far.

We are about 1/2 of the way to our response goals needed to unlock the $500 gift card to Apple or Microsoft.

Please get those surveys taken and move Harry towards his much-deserved bowl of high-end dog food!

Also, congratulations to our two first-week survey taker winners of $25 Starbucks gift cards:

  • Andoni Telonidis
  • Monika Kaneshige

Please look for your gift card in your e-mail today. I will send it electronically. Two more winners next Monday will be selected at random from survey respondents.

Apply Now to the CEE Undergraduate Student Advisory Board!


Final reminder that USAB is still accepting applications for next school year’s members! If you want to improve the CEE Department for both current and future undergraduate students, please apply! Applications due 5/29/2024.

Applications are now open for next school year’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board (USAB)! We are a group of undergraduate students in either the BSCE or BSENVE programs that serve on departmental committees and work on other passion projects to improve the department and students’ experiences. The responsibilities are flexible and attending ~bi-weekly meetings is a core part of being in USAB as our primary role is advisory. The department needs feedback from the students it is teaching, and joining USAB is a great way to get your feedback and opinions heard!

Learn more about us here:

Requirements: current undergraduate student in their sophomore or junior year in the CEE Department, or an ENGRUD freshman who will be in CEE Department next school year. A good role model for the department (good academic standing, respectful, etc.)

Time commitment: about 1-2 hours a week, occasionally longer

Reasons to join CEE USAB: quarterly stipend of $200, gain communication and leadership skills, improve the CEE Department for both current and future undergraduate students Continue reading

REMINDER #1: Please take the 2024 UW CEE End-of-Year Undergraduate Survey

Hi undergraduate students,

This is a reminder to (please, please, please, please) take our department’s official end-of-year undergraduate student survey. If not for you, do it for me. Or a loved one. Or to provide that one last shove for “WE NEED NEW CHAIRS IN THE COMPUTER LAB!!!!”. Let us know what you think and what you’re doing.

I’ll pick two folks at random on Monday and award them each $25 at Starbucks. Hey, that’s almost enough for 2 drinks these days.

Take the survey:


It takes 15 minutes and really helps us improve the department. We base much of what we do to improve on what you tell us in THIS survey. Incentives to take the survey:

  • On June 5th one lucky survey participant will win a $500 gift card to either the Apple or Microsoft Store.
  • There will also be 10 prizes of $25 Starbucks gift cards.
  • I will award 2 Starbucks gift cards on Friday (5/16/24) at random to those that complete the survey by Friday 5/16/24 NOON (gift cards awarded by e-mail).

These prizes depend on a high participation rate (80% for seniors, 70% overall). This is totally achievable. Continue reading

Final Reminder: Submit Your Nominations for the 2024 CEE Departmental Awards!

Hello CEE Students, 
This is a final reminder to submit your nominations for the 2024 CEE Departmental Awards!

– CEE Graduation Committee

The CEE department is currently accepting nominations for several departmental awards:

  1. The CEE Outstanding Teacher Award, CEE Outstanding Mentor Award and the CEE Oustanding TA Award recognize faculty and teaching assistants for outstanding teaching and mentoring of students. (Nominations:
  2. The CEE DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Award recognizes 1 student and 1 faculty member for their efforts in advancing DEI values in the department. (Nominations:
  3. The CEE Staff Award recognizes a staff member for outstanding work and contribution to the department. (Nominations:

Please submit your nominations by completing the google forms linked above. You may nominate more than one person by submitting the form(s) multiple times. 

The nomination forms will close on Friday, May 17th at 5pm (PST)

Apply Now to the CEE Undergraduate Student Advisory Board!

Hello CEE undergraduate students!

Reminder that USAB is still accepting applications for next school year’s members! If you want to improve the CEE Department for both current and future undergraduate students, please apply! The application isn’t that long!

Applications are now open for next school year’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board (USAB)! We are a group of undergraduate students in either the BSCE or BSENVE programs that serve on departmental committees and work on other passion projects to improve the department and students’ experiences. The responsibilities are flexible and attending ~bi-weekly meetings is a core part of being in USAB as our primary role is advisory. The department needs feedback from the students it is teaching, and joining USAB is a great way to get your feedback and opinions heard!

Learn more about us here:

Requirements: current undergraduate student in their sophomore or junior year in the CEE Department, or an ENGRUD freshman who will be in CEE Department next school year. A good role model for the department (good academic standing, respectful, etc.)

Time commitment: about 1-2 hours a week, occasionally longer

Reasons to join CEE USAB: quarterly stipend of $200, gain communication and leadership skills, improve the CEE Department for both current and future undergraduate students Continue reading

2024 UW CEE End-of-Year Undergraduate Survey – Please take the survey now

Hi undergraduate students,

Please (please, please, please) take our department’s official end-of-year undergraduate student survey. It takes 15 minutes and really helps us improve the department. We base much of what we do to improve on what you tell us in THIS survey. Incentives to take the survey:

  • On June 5th one lucky survey participant will win a $500 gift card to either the Apple or Microsoft Store.
  • There will also be 10 prizes of $25 Starbucks gift cards.
  • I will award 2 Starbucks gift cards on Friday (5/16/24) at random to those that complete the survey by Friday 5/16/24 NOON (gift cards awarded by e-mail).

These prizes depend on a high participation rate (80% for seniors, 70% overall). This is totally achievable.

Take the survey:

In advance, thank you for taking the survey. What you have to say means a lot to us.

Also, thank you for being a student in our department – our reputation is built on you.

Whatever your challenge is, keep at it. We support and celebrate you.

USAB Anonymous Feedback Form

Hello everyone,

The Undergraduate Student Advisory Board (USAB) is happy to announce that we have created an anonymous feedback form for the undergraduate students! It is anonymous unless you would like to provide your name and email, in which case we can respond back to you. If you would like to voice your comments or concerns, please fill out the Google Form below!


Your Undergraduate Student Advisory Board
UW Civil & Environmental Engineering

Washington Hyperloop Spring 2024 Applications


I’m Yuri Yang, a business member at Washington Hyperloop, and a sophomore at UW. I’m writing this to request that the engineering departments help us promote our recruitment application by including the following information in your newsletter:

Washington Hyperloop Spring 2024 applications are currently open!

Spring 2024 Application:;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g70qcUAcIt-ZzXjrumgNaI_KEi0PALXYsuYft-QOzNeiZ93T0NdjlrqGcx1D-w_cQfNG2jPA99bTcun4nw$

Applications are competitive and the final date to apply to cutter head and materials removal is 5/18/2024.

Washington Hyperloop is a student-run organization. Our goal is to design and build a tunnel boring machine to compete at Elon Musk’s Not-a-Boring Competition [].

In order to complete the design, our team is broken up into sub-teams that will be responsible for the components of the TBM. Continue reading

Present Your CEE-Related Projects for Prize Money!

Hello everyone,

The ASCE UW Presentation Competition is looking for individuals/teams to present any civil engineering related topics. Capstone, club, personal, and research projects are all welcome!

The competition will be held on Thursday, May 2 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PDT in MOR 220. Individuals/teams will be judged on a 10-minute (maximum) technical presentation and a 5-minute Q&A. Each of the top three winners will receive prize money:

First Place: $1,000

Second Place: $750

Third Place: $500

The winning individual/team will have the opportunity to present at the ASCE Seattle Section May Dinner Meeting on Wednesday, May 15.

To sign up for the competition, please use this link: