Help us improve the CEE website!

Dear Undergrads,

We know you are very busy, so we will keep this short!

  • The CEE web team is looking for your feedback. 
  • We have created a usability survey to learn more about how well the website serves the needs of undergrad students.  Complete survey here. 
  • Your answers will help guide user experience, improvements and upcoming features.
  • Interested in participating further? We are looking for senior students to participate in a usability study in early May. The study will be one hour long, and participants will be compensated for their time with a $50 Amazon gift card. If you are interested, please fill out the survey and let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.  

Thank you for your time and responses

Help promote: EarthLab undergrad event on 4/25


EarthLab Climate Justice Conversations and Connections

Thursday, April 25, 2024

10 am – 1 pm (come for what you can!)

Learn more about the event or RSVP directly.

**Breakfast & lunch provided

**Network with faculty, staff & peers

**Welcome messages from Dianne Harris, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences & Julia Parrish, Associate Dean, College of the Environment

The EarthLab Climate Justice Conversations and Connections event is an inclusive gathering focused on climate justice and community building. Across the University of Washington, students actively engage in vital discussions about Continue reading

Apply Now to the CEE Undergraduate Student Advisory Board!

Hello CEE undergraduate students!

Applications are now open for next school year’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board (USAB)! We are a group of undergraduate students in either the BSCE or BSENVE programs that serve on departmental committees and work on other passion projects to improve the department and students’ experiences. The responsibilities are flexible and attending ~bi-weekly meetings is a core part of being in USAB as our primary role is advisory. The department needs feedback from the students it is teaching, and joining USAB is a great way to get your feedback and opinions heard!

Learn more about us here:

Requirements: current undergraduate student in their sophomore or junior year in the CEE Department, or an ENGRUD freshman who will be in CEE Department next school year. A good role model for the department (good academic standing, respectful, etc.)

Time commitment: about 1-2 hours a week, occasionally longer

Reasons to join CEE USAB: quarterly stipend of $200, gain communication and leadership skills, improve the CEE Department for both current and future undergraduate students Continue reading

Washington Hyperloop Spring Recruiting

Hello CEE community,

My name is Andoni Telonidis, I’m the Structures Lead of Washington Hyperloop, and I’m writing this to the CEE department to promote our recruitment application:

Washington Hyperloop Spring 2024 applications are currently open! 

Spring 2024 Application:

Applications are competitive and the final date to apply is Saturday April 26th.

Washington Hyperloop is a student-run organization. Our goal is to design and build a tunnel boring machine to compete at Elon Musk’s Not-a-Boring Competition [].

In order to complete the design, our team is broken up into sub-teams that will be responsible for the components of the TBM.

Currently our Structures team is actively recruiting and we’d love to have passionate Civil or Environmental Engineers join our team. Their background in soils/geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, hydraulics, and construction lend well to our team’s mission. Continue reading

Request for Student Participation in CEE Academic Program Review

Hi all,

A reminder to let us know if you can participate.

This year our department is going through a process called academic program review which occurs at least once per decade. Periodic academic program review is required by university policy and the university’s accreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The review process also provides our department an opportunity to reflect on strengths, challenges, aspirations, and strategic planning. The primary objective of the review is an assessment of the academic and educational quality of the unit.

The program review consists of two major parts: a self-study and a site visit. The self-study has already been completed and submitted. This email is about the site visit, which will take place on April 29-30.

During the site visit, the review committee will meet with members from the CEE community to hear about program strengths, challenges, and aspirations. You are invited to participate. We have already submitted the site visit agenda, which includes meeting times for students to meet with the committee. We know that not everyone will be able to participate during their allocated time slot, which is fine, but we do want to ensure that we have active participation from the CEE community. Continue reading

UW Survey on Artificial Intelligence

Dear CEE faculty, staff, and students:

This request came via the faculty senate, though it is being distributed via several other channels as well. I encourage you all to complete this survey to help inform the UW’s AI Task Force. It’s short and many questions are optional.

As part of the UW’s commitment to innovation and excellence in research and education, we are taking our place at the forefront of advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI). To support this outcome, the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence seeks your thoughts about AI at the UW.  

We invite you to participate in a short AI Survey to share your ideas about how AI can improve various aspects of the University. Your ideas will help inspire new initiatives in personalized learning, research analytics, campus safety, administrative automation, and more. By participating, you are contributing to a collective vision that will shape the future of the UW.  

Survey Details 

  • Purpose: To collect ideas and opinions on areas within the UW where AI can be applied for improvement, innovation, and efficiency. 
  • Estimated Time: The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. 
  • Survey Open Dates: April 15 – 26 

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the AI Task Force Support Team: Taifa Harris (, Heidi Stahl (, or Gene Shoda ( Continue reading

Phi Sigma Rho


I am the Vice President of Membership for Phi Sigma Rho. We are a social sorority for women and non-binary students interested in engineering and STEM. Our membership caters to the demands of studying STEM while filling the desire of having an encouraging social community.

Please let me know if you have any questions! I have attached a copy of our flyer with links to our interest form and instagram.

Katie –


Lithium Battery Safety sheet

Hi All,

Following yesterday afternoon’s incident in Wilcox Hall in which a battery malfunction initiated the fire alarm to go off, I would like to share a safety sheet on lithium batteries from EH&S. Manufacturer’s defects are an unfortunate possibility and knowledge about these situations are important in lab and building safety. Please review and reach out with any questions or concerns. 

* Currently there is still a burnt odor on the 2nd floor of Wilcox and that is being dealt with and should dissipate over the next few days. 


Help us improve the CEE website!

Attention CEE seniors,

We know you are very busy, so we will keep this short!

  • The CEE web team is looking for your feedback. 
  • We have created a usability survey to learn more about how well the website serves the needs of undergrad students.  Complete survey here. 
  • Your answers will help guide user experience, improvements and upcoming features.
  • Interested in participating further? We are looking for senior students to participate in a usability study in early May. The study will be one hour long, and participants will be compensated for their time with a $50 Amazon gift card. If you are interested, please fill out the survey and let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.