Request for Feedback on CoE’s Strategic Plan Draft “Engineering for the Public Good”

A message from Chair Laura Lowes:

By now, you’ve likely heard about the College’s strategic plan draft “Engineering for the Public Good.” I’m writing to our community to ask each one of you to please take 20–30 minutes to review the plan and provide feedback. 

To do our best work in serving the public good, our department must be a place where all who study, work and teach can succeed and thrive. We’re committed to creating an equitable environment for everyone — and we know there’s still much to be done. Each person’s feedback helps us create a vision for a College of Engineering where all of us can thrive. Your feedback will make a real difference. You may skip any question you’re not comfortable answering, and feedback can be submitted anonymously. 

Feedback received by June 18th will be reviewed and revisions will be made throughout the summer in anticipation of a public launch of the strategic plan this fall. Throughout the summer, a small group will work to build an implementation plan that defines metrics, estimates of resource needs and timelines for implementation for each major priority and strategy.   

Reach out to co-chairs Professor Suzie Pun or Professor Nate Sniadecki if you have any questions about the plan or planning process. Thank you for helping to make the College a better place for everyone. 

International Student Mentorship Program Opportunity

The International Student Mentorship Program is now recruiting mentors for their 2021-2022 program! Their organization is an international community catering to the leadership and professional development of international students at the University of Washington. Keep in mind that you do not have to be an international student to be considered as we do have domestic student mentors.

ISMP is an inclusive community dedicated to leadership and professional development through mentorship and empowerment. Since their inception in 2014, the ISMP has helped hundreds of students at the University of Washington to find their purposes and passions in and out of campus. They cater to their members’ needs through various workshops and events and focus on developing practical leadership and professional skills. They also emphasize the importance of community building by arranging various social bonding events, retreats, and volunteering opportunities. The ISMP stands for inclusiveness, empowerment, and authenticity, and they can’t wait to have you to be a part of our journey.

Apply today to be a part of the ISMP family to help empower the next generation of leaders!  Apply by May 16th, 11:59 pm and you can access the application form here.

If you have any questions or would just like to get to know the application process more, feel free to shoot us an email at or leave a message on our Facebook site.


UW Disability Equity Project: Participate in a Study on Disability Equity and Inclusion

A research team from the Disability Studies Program, The D Center, and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine is looking for volunteers to participate in a series of research focus groups and/or interviews to help co-create a disability allyship training curriculum. This project is funded by the UW CLIME competitive small grants program

They are recruiting UW students, staff, and faculty who have a disability, physical or mental health condition, a chronic illness, or are d/Deaf to contribute to a research project on disability, equity, and inclusion on the UW campus. The team is still recruiting individuals who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). 

You may be eligible, if you:  

  • Are 18 years or older 
  • Are a student, staff, or faculty member who attend or work at UW at least part-time. 
  • Identify as having a disability, physical or mental health condition, chronic illness, or are d/Deaf. 
  • Identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC)

If you decide to participate in the study, you will be asked to be part of a 60-90-minute virtual focus group with your fellow students, staff, or faculty members. You can also request to complete an individual virtual interview. Each participant will receive a $30 electronic gift card after completing the focus group/interview. 

If you are interested in participating in the study or have any questions, please contact our research team at or visit their website to meet the research team and learn more. 

They are interested in learning :

  1. how you perceive your academic and/or healthcare experiences, considering campus attitudes and the social or physical environment
  2. how you experience ableism or discrimination on UW campus
  3. how you experience allyship, advocacy, and community at UW.  

All study information will be kept confidential. Captioning and ASL interpretation can be provided. Additional accessibility needs will be solicited upon participant confirmation.  

Opportunity with Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is recruiting for Technical logisticians for our projects in 70+ countries around the world. 

Technical logisticians (TechLogs) provide daily technical support to all activities in our medical facilities. They are responsible for vehicle maintenance and planning of movements. Construction, framing, fitting, and maintaining medical facilities, offices, and staff accommodations could also be part of their duties. They could set up, manage, and maintain the water supply and hygiene/sanitary facilities. They could be in charge of the electricity supply and supervise the installation and maintenance of related equipment such as generators, solar panels, and batteries. They will hire and manage technical staff and contractors, and oversee their work.

This could be a great opportunity for anyone who has basic engineering skills, technical proficiency in construction, energy and electricity or general mechanics and an interest in giving back to the global community.

Learn more about this opportunity as well as how to apply by continuing to read.

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UW EcoCAR Volunteer Recruitment Opportunity

The UW EcoCAR team is currently looking to fill a Systems Engineer volunteer position to join our System Safety Team!

The primary objective of the System Safety is to ensure nominal interaction of all team-integrated hardware and data-interfacing by developing requirements. This will entail a deep involvement throughout the entire research process, from design to implementation.

To apply please submit a resume and (optional) cover letter to The deadline to apply is Friday, April 23rd. 

This is a great opportunity to get hands-on engineering experience in a research and automotive industry.

To learn more about the position, go to, or email with questions.

College of Engineering Mentorship Opportunity – EPE Program

CEE sophomores and juniors –

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of first-year engineering students while developing your leadership skills?

Apply now to become an Engineering Peer Educator!

The College of Engineering’s Engineering Peer Educator (EPE) program is a fantastic opportunity for current engineering undergraduates to gain valuable leadership experience while helping the 2021 incoming class of Engineering Undeclared students succeed in transitioning to college! EPEs mentor and support first-year students by facilitating the GEN ST 199 component of Engineering FIGs in Autumn 2021. Undergraduate students with skills in collaboration and interpersonal communication who are passionate about giving back to the engineering community are encouraged to apply!

Students who are selected to participate in the program will gain:

  • Concrete leadership, public speaking, and communication skills that will strengthen their resume;
  • $1,000 scholarship;
  • ENGR 498 credits to formalize their leadership experience.

Applications are due by Tuesday, January 19th!  You can read more about the program here and submit an application here. You’re welcome to reach out to if you have questions or if you encounter any issues accessing the application form.

Come On Out – Japan 2021 Internship Opportunity

Global English Camp, a program dedicated to the importance of gaining an unparalleled life opportunity via cross-cultural education, is launching Come On Out – Japan’s 6th Annual Global English Camp Summer Internship Program.

Interns will facilitate English conversations with Japanese high school students on a variety of relevant global topics ranging from discussing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to their personal life missions. Interns will be able to extend mentorship to new students each week as well as form lifelong connections with their fellow interns inside and outside the classroom.

Learn more at an info session on Nov 13th at 10 am PST, or at future events – to be released via their newsletter.

Learn more about the program by continuing to read.

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Nominate/Self-Nominate Students of Color for FUTURE Ignited

Hello CEE Students,

Please take a look at this excellent opportunity for students of color* to participate in FUTURE Ignited.

If you are interested in being nominated, please email CEE Dept. Chair, Laura Lowes (, CEE Ugrad Advising ( or your favorite CEE Professor.

Let us know if you have any questions!


*FUTURE Ignited uses an inclusive definition of “students of color” to include those who have been historically underrepresented in STEM including, but not limited to, African American/Black, Latin(x), Native/Indigenous/First Nation, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.  Continue reading

Upload Photos for the Graduation Slideshow by Jun 14

A message from the Advising Team:
We are constructing a slideshow for the 2020 CEE Virtual Graduation Celebration and need your help!​
​If you have any photos from your time in CEE that you would like to share (such as study abroad experiences, student outings, fun times you want to remember, etc.), please select your top 4-5 photos and upload them to the following ​link (the uploaded photos will be accessible to anyone with access to the link)
Upload your photos by Jun 14th.
You are also welcome to be creative and upload a collage or video if you would like. ​
​***Please understand that the photos may be shown at our departmental virtual graduation and that we have the right to exclude any photos that we deem inappropriate. We likely will not be able to include every photo uploaded for a variety of reasons such as number of photos submitted, picture quality, etc.***​