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3-CAM Study

Project Name: 3-CAM Study (3 Campus Alcohol and Marijuana Study)
Principal Investigators: Kristina Jackson (Brown University), Helene White (Rutgers University)
Sub-Contract PI: Jason Kilmer
Grant Title: Motivational and Contextual Influences on Patterns of Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Daily Assessment Study
Sponsor: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Project Period: 7/1/15 – 6/30/20
Grant Number: 5R01DA040880
Project Coordinator: Nicole Fossos-Wong

The purpose of this study is to obtain data comparing occasions of combined use to occasions of alcohol and marijuana use alone, in terms of frequency, patterns, and consequences and to examine predictors of combined use. This study will examine present-day combined alcohol and marijuana use among college students at three state universities, each with very different state laws regarding marijuana use, using a two-phase approach: a larger survey assessment coupled with a daily study design. The longer survey was administered on-line in the fall of 2017 and spring of 2018. Daily surveys were completed on an app developed for this study administered to a subsample of students at each campus for 4 weeks during the fall and again during the spring.