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Project PHARM

Project Name: Project PHARM
Principal Investigators: Jason Kilmer, Amelia Arria, M. Dolores Cimini
Grant Title: Personalized Health Assessment Related to Medications
Sponsor: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Project Period: 8/15/16 – 4/30/19
Grant Number: U01DA040219
Project Coordinators: Nicole Fossos-Wong, Ha-Yoon Lee

Project PHARM is a longitudinal multi-site brief intervention study seeking to reduce the prevalence of the non-medical use of prescription stimulants (NPS) among college students, through development and testing of efficacious and cost- effective personalized feedback interventions (PFI’s) targeting college students’ perceived benefits of NPS, normative perceptions of NPS, and increasing alternative behaviors, thereby reducing NPS and other substance use (specifically marijuana and alcohol). In addition we received supplemental funding for this project to develop and pilot test an intervention module designed to address the non-medical use of prescription opioid medication (NPO) for a subset of participants with comorbid NPS and NPO.  This research represents a 3 campus collaborative with the University of Washington, University of Maryland, and the University at Albany.