Project Name: Student Health Study
Principal Investigators: Jennifer C. Duckworth, PhD
Grant Title: A mixed methods study of perceived social norms and high-risk alcohol and marijuana use among a diverse sample of young adult community college students
Sponsor: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Project Period: 12/1/2019 – 8/31/2021
Grant Number: F32AA028153
Project Coordinator: None
College students are at increased risk of high-risk alcohol and marijuana use. Despite that students attending 2-year community colleges make up a large and growing proportion of college students in the US and that many community college students engage in high-risk alcohol and marijuana use and experience substance-related problems, nearly all published research on college student drinking and marijuana use focuses on 4-year college students. Using a mixed methods research design, this study aims to examine a diverse sample of community college students to (1) better understand risk and protective factors, including social and educational identity, school connectedness, and perceived peer alcohol and marijuana use, and (2) examine how these factors are related to alcohol and marijuana use and related harms.