SPR24 Course Cancellation: CEE 490 Air Pollution Control


We just received notice that CEE 490: Air Pollution Control (4cr) is likely to be cancelled in SPR24.

There is still an outside chance it will be offered but for planning purposes with registration right around the corner, you should find an alternate class to take.

CEE 490 is one of the only 4cr Technical Electives so if this cancellation leaves your plan 1cr shy of TE or E&S Electives, please let us know asap so we can help you find a solution ceadvice@uw.edu.

One option would be to take CEE 480: Air Quality Modeling (3cr) and add a 1cr CEE 499 Independent Study to make up for the lost credit.

Some other classes that may be of interest are our CEE 498 offerings:

  • CEE 498: Building Energy and Habitability (3cr, Reed)
  • CEE 498: Transportation Energy and Sustainability (3cr, MacKenzie)

URBDP 480 “Planning as a Profession” Spring Quarter!


The College of Built Environments would like announce that they have an upcoming course that might interest you:

Planning As A Profession

URBDP 480 | SLN 21219 | Gould 114

Spring 2024 | 1 credit

Friday 12:00 – 1:20pm

Meet and interact with professional planners from the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Hear firsthand about the experiences of post graduation, current projects, and lessons learned in the process. Learn about skills needed for each field of planning while exploring possible career paths.


Update Lab Schedule- CEE 367 in Spring 2024

Hello all,

We wanted to inform you of a recent update regarding the scheduling CEE367 Geotechnical Engineering for the upcoming Spring 2024.

We have adjusted the timing for one of the lab sessions for CEE367. The new lab schedule will be T 130-320 and W 1030-1220. We believe this modification will allow you to enroll in CEE367 without overlapping with other required courses.

If you have any questions regarding this time change or any other matter related to your academic schedule, please feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you!

CEE Undergraduate Advising


Become at Teaching Assistant at Friday Harbor Labs!

Hello Students,

All of the spring classes listed below are full, and we would love for our instructors to have some additional hands on deck (literally and figuratively) to help teach!

Friday Harbor Labs courses take place on San Juan Island, and FHL provides free housing and partial meals through our dining hall for all UW graduate students hired on as TAs.

Spring 2024

  • Invertebrate Zoology
  • Marine Botany
  • Research in Marine Biology – Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on marine megafauna
  • Research in Novel Marine Ecosystems
  • Marine Ecology of the Salish Sea 

Application deadline for TAships for Spring courses is Feb. 1, 2024

To apply, please send Megan Dethier (mdethier@uw.edu) a single pdf with: 1) your CV and 2) a one-page (max.) letter that indicates what courses you are interested in (listed by priority for you), and how you are qualified for them. Our policy on TA selections is attached; please address these criteria in your statement if relevant. 


** This email is for all ENV E juniors! ** It was recently brought to our attention that CEE 356: Quantitative and Conceptual Tools for Sustainability conflicted with AA 260: Thermodynamics, which many of you still need to take, in Spring 2024. To get around this conflict, we’ve moved the time for CEE 356 to MW 1:30-3:20. The new time should allow you to take CEE 356 without overlapping with other required courses. If you have any questions or concerns about this time change, please let us know.

** For all ENV E juniors! **

It was recently brought to our attention that CEE 356: Quantitative and Conceptual Tools for Sustainability conflicted with AA 260: Thermodynamics, which many of you still need to take, in Spring 2024. 

To get around this conflict, we’ve moved the time for CEE 356 to MW 1:30-3:20. The new time should allow you to take CEE 356 without overlapping with other required courses. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this time change, please let us know. 

CEE 440 Feedback Form

Hi CEE Friends, 

We hope you are doing well as midterms begin, 

We are posting to hopefully gain your insight on the CEE 440 Professional Practice course. We’re completely revamping CEE 440 Professional Practice to potentially become a very different course. As we take on this transformation, we’re aware that there are numerous aspects to consider, but we can’t cover everything. That’s where you come in – we want your input on what matters most to you. 

Please fill out this form so we can work towards building a course that suits you and your needs. Thank you in advance for all your feedback!


If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Carmen, Lexi, Anna Peter, Lucas, Matthew


You are invited to a Kiewit talk in CEE 307 on 31 January 2024

Hi all,

Ryan Anderson (UW BSCE 2008) from Kiewit will come to our CEE 307 course to talk about Kiewit’s work on the Link Light Rail Federal Way Extension project. We are in a 70-seat classroom with a class size of 35 so there are plenty of seats. All are welcome. 

What: Ryan Anderson, Kiewit talks about Sound Transit Federal Way Link Extension project and life as a construction engineer

When: Wednesday, 31 January 2024, 10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

Where: More Hall, room 220

Why go: learn about the project:

  • 7.8 miles of track
  • 3 stations
  • A surprise cast-in-place concrete segmental bridge they are building right now

Managing costs on a $3 billion dollar design-build project

AERA (Alaska Salmon Program) Course Info Session


Do you want to learn more about the Aquatic Ecological Research in Alaska field course?  

There will be an informal info session on 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

FSH 203 (Fishery Sciences Building, 1122 NE Boat St)


We’ll give a brief overview of what students can expect from the class and the setting/field station and there will be plenty of time to answer student questions.

Contact Jackie Carter and Chris Boatright with questions: jlcarter@uw.edu and cboat@uw.edu

War in the Middle East: JSIS Winter Course and Speaker Series


During Winter term, the Jackson School is running both a public lecture series and a 2-credit course to provide opportunities for substantive, thoughtful, compassionate engagement with the devastating events unfolding in the Middle East. Details can be found below, and flyers for both the lecture series and the 400-level course are attached.

I want to thank the many people in JSIS who have spearheaded this effort, including Danny Hoffman (Director of the Jackson School), Mike Ahuvia (Director of the Stroum Center), Reşat Kasaba (Professor and previous Director of JSIS), and the many staff members instrumental for making these events possible. I also thank President Cauce and Dean Harris for their support of these events.

As we hope for peace in the new year, let us work collectively to bring our professional knowledge, disciplinary training, and intellectual skills to create meaningful opportunities for engagement and support for all members of the UW community, especially our students, and also for those who turn to the university in search of insight as we grapple with the violence, trauma, anger, and fear of the past months. This is a worthwhile resolution for the new year.

War in the Middle East Lecture Series Continue reading