Hi everyone,
Get ready for an evening of networking with young professionals (and UW alumni) and free food! HNTB will be hosting a networking night with students on Wednesday March 27th, 5-6:30pm, in MOR 230. HNTB will be providing food and students will have the opportunity to engage in open conversation with representatives. Bring some questions, your resume (if you want), and a great attitude! We will have some guiding conversation topics to facilitate, but feel free to chat with us about anything.
HNTB is a transportation engineering-focused firm that works on large projects all over the country. Our Bellevue office has departments in the following civil disciplines: Aviation, Bridge/Structures, Traffic/ITS, Transit Rail, Transportation, and Water Resources.
If you are still looking for internship opportunities this summer or are just interested in connecting with UW grads in a casual environment, please attend! RSVP using this form (https://forms.office.com/r/jZeUC4dxPQ) by 5PM on Friday, March 22.
Hope to see you there!