Autumn Quarter Planning and Vaccine Eligibility Updates

A message from Department Chair Laura Lowes:

All, I hope that your spring quarter is off to a good start. You will have noted in Provost Richard’s recent message that all member of the UW community who are able to get vaccinated are expected to do so. Provost Richard’s message provide links to a couple of websites where you can find vaccination appointments. For those currently residing in WA state: UW Medicine and other locations and for all: vaccination opportunities in the United States. CEE faculty and staff also recommend

Looking forward to vaccinations enabling life at UW and around the world to get back to normal someday soon.

Racist Crimes Against Asian and Asian American Communities

A message from Department Chair Laura Lowes:

CEE community members,

Most of you have heard of the terrible events in Atlanta last week, when a gunman shot and killed eight people, including at least six women of Asian descent. We grieve for their loss, and stand in support of Asian and Asian American communities.

This form of hatred and bigotry is not new; it has a long and shameful history in our nation. Nationally, anti-Asian hate crimes have increased during the past year. In Seattle, two predominantly Asian American churches have repeatedly received anti-Asian hate messages, including an incident last week.

We condemn these racist attacks, we mourn the victims of these hate crimes, and we stand firmly in support of our Asian and Asian American colleagues, friends, and neighbors.

In the last year CEE has heightened efforts to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive community for all, including our Asian and Asian American faculty, students, staff, alumni and friends. If you are looking for new ways to contribute to this effort or have specific concerns that you would like to share with our JEDI leadership, please visit our JEDI website here.

This last year has been challenging for all. Hopefully, this week of spring break will provide you an opportunity for rejuvenation and renewed energy to work towards increased justice, equity, diversity and inclusivity in CEE and beyond as well as to advance your academic, professional and personal goals.

Academic Support Programs Webinars and Workshops

Happy New Year! As we start a new quarter, Academic Support Programs invites you to join them for a week-long event to celebrate and prepare for the beginning of the quarter together! From January 10-15, Academic Support Programs is hosting “Welcome to Winter with ASP.” Part of this week includes workshops and webinars about online learning tips, time management, and motivation in the virtual world presented by Academic Success Coaches and CLUE Tutors.

Read more to learn about the different webinars and workshops, as well as learn how to engage with ASP to win prizes!

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Campus Sustainability Fund Winter Submissions

 The Campus Sustainability Fund Winter Funding Cycle (FC2) is now open for submissions for proposals.

This year marks the 11th year of the CSF, and they continue to offer multiple levels of funding for both virtual and in-person initiatives. An annual ballpark figure of around $400,000 dollars is made available for funding student sustainability projects. All student members at UW are eligible to receive a CSF grant.

The Letter of Intent (LOI) window is now open until December 1st. Learn more about the CSF deadline here. The CSF supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals and encourages project teams to align with these diverse goals.

You can learn more about eligibility, project criteria, and apply here.


Mental Health Workshops Coming Soon

UW Counseling and Mental Health Services is offering several workshops in the next couple of weeks. There is a workshop on self-compassion (geared toward managing stress due to midterms) that will be on Oct 20th, and a workshop on relationships on Oct 30th.

Learn more about each workshop by continuing to read.

Click here for a full list of our current therapy group and workshop offerings. The link will be updated as we add new workshops this quarter.

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UW Libraries Undergraduate Student Support during COVID-19

The UW libraries have published two student-focused communications responding to UW Seattle undergraduate student questions and sharing what’s ahead for Fall 2020.

  1. Message for undergraduate students: “We are experiencing the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice and violence together, but in very different ways. We hear your concerns, we stand with you, and we are humbled by your resilience. Although this year is not like any other year, the UW Libraries is here to support you whether you’re in Seattle, Wenatchee or Taipei.” See important information from the Odegaard Library Undergraduate Student Success Team here.
  2. The UW Libraries Student FAQ for Fall 2020 provides answers to common questions about the Libraries to help UW Seattle undergraduate students prepare for Fall quarter. The FAQ includes info on study spaces, books and e-books, technology and WiFi access, online help and more. Learn all about it here.

King County financial assistance for child care

Dear parents,

King County is using CARES emergency funding for child care to provide vouchers to eligible families to pay for child care costs for children ages 0 – 12 for care between September and December 2020.

You may qualify for financial assistance to pay for child care if you meet the following criteria:

  • live or work in King County AND
  • have an income below 400% of the federal poverty level AND
  • your income, work schedule, or access to child care has been negatively impacted by COVID-19 OR you are an essential worker

Please see the attached flier and visit the King County’s CARES emergency funding for COVID-19 child care support website for more information. Continue reading

CEE COVID-19 Return to Campus Update

Greetings CEE community,

Below is a summary of where CEE stands in regards to COVID-19 and returning to campus, please take note of the new CEE Prevention Plan and required Training, and the new Online Form for non-employee Symptom Attestation. I expect additional updates as we ready for Autumn quarter.

  • Although we are in Phase II, we are still in restricted operations and only those with critical personnel designation are allowed on campus (any UW building). We will monitor who enters More Hall and deactivate access or reach out to individuals and their supervisor if folks are entering More Hall without authorization. To designate your employees as critical personnel, email justification to Ted Hanson ( or Laura Lowes ( for review and approval.
  • Research involving fieldwork may take place, if it meets the criteria set out in this decision tree. If allowable, personnel should be designated as critical and a Fieldwork Health and Safety Plan should be submitted to Ted Hanson ( or Laura Lowes ( for review and approval, prior to fieldwork.

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Request for Feedback on CEE Online Classes from Laura Lowes

A message from Laura Lowes, CEE Department Chair:

All, I hope that you, your family and your loved ones are doing well during this challenging time and that you are finding creative ways to accomplish school work, continue jobs, engage with friends, stay active, and stay safe.

Today I am writing to ask that you provide CEE faculty and advising staff with feedback on your online classes and educational experiences via an anonymous google poll.

A fully online curriculum is new to most of us in CEE. Faculty and teaching assistants are working hard to provide you with the best possible educational experience, but many of us are teaching our first fully online class this quarter and are still learning the nuances of online education. The anonymous poll is intended to provide us with a better understanding of what you think is working well and what could be improved, so that we can make adjustments as the quarter progresses.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to provide thoughtful responses to the questions provide in the poll.

Coronavirus Notes and Precautions

A message from the CEE Department

In order to help us maintain some simple and effective hygiene and procedural precautions with respect to the evolving SARS-CoV-2 situation, a number of important reminders are summarized below. Please remember that even if you are in a low-risk group for COVID-19, others around you, including your co-workers, friends, and family may be in high-risk groups, and are depending on all of us to do everything we can to protect them.

(1) WASH, WASH, WASH – Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use a >60% ethanol- or isopropyl alcohol-based disinfectant if soap and water are not available, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose/coughing/sneezing. Always wash your hands with soap and water if they are visibly dirty. Remember the guidance on wash time (at least 20 seconds, or enough to sing Happy Birthday twice), and be sure to clean between your fingers, under your fingernails, and the backs of your hands. For full CDC guidelines on proper hand-washing to minimize disease transmission, go here.

If you run out of hand sanitizer or were not able to find any due to the recent run on suppliers, note that we have several liters in the More Hall front office that we can distribute to others in the department (including those in Wilcox, Wilson, Harris, and Hall) as needed.

(2) Be sure not to touch your face with your hands, whether your mouth, eyes, nose, etc. We all know this can be hard, since research shows that most of us sub-consciously touch our faces many times per hour. Every one of those touches has the potential to lead to self-infection. It is VERY IMPORTANT to be especially careful about this.

(3) If you have to cough, please be sure to cover your mouth by coughing into the inside of your elbow/arm. Don’t cough into your hands, as this can simply transfer virus-containing droplets onto your hands which can then lead to contamination of any other surface you touch. Even if you are not infected, everyone around you will appreciate this

(4) VERY IMPORTANT: If you develop mild symptoms of the virus (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath, other cold- or flu-like symptoms) please STAY HOME, call your doctor for advice, and let your co-workers, advisors, and/or supervisors know as soon as possible how you are doing. Unless you are in life-threatening condition, please don’t go to a clinic, Hall Health, or your doctor’s office without first calling for advice, so as to limit the possibility of spreading the virus (or if you are not infected with nCoV, to limit the possibility of exposing yourself to someone who is). Work can wait until you have recovered.

(5) For additional guidance and information on what you can do to minimize risks of transmission, and what to do in case of illness, the UW, King County Public Health, WA State DOH, and CDC websites are very helpful resources (a lot of the tips are common sense items, but there are quite a few you may not have considered):

(6) Make sure you are signed up for UW Alert, so that you receive any emergency alerts re: campus conditions, since the situation is rapidly evolving. Go here to sign up.

(7) Stay in touch. If you need to stay home sick, please let your family, advisors, and/or supervisors know, so we can help make arrangements for you to keep up with work responsibilities (and so that we know you’re doing okay).

(8) Stay tuned for any announcements regarding changes in campus operations.

We may be in for some challenging times in the coming WEEKS, so please take care and keep yourself as informed as possible.