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DIO GMEC Update: December

Hanukkah and Christmas holiday are upon us this month. The much anticipated COVID-19 vaccine is here too.  I hope the DIO Blog will put you in the holiday spirit to read the December 2020 GMEC Update.


Congratulations to the following members of our community:

  • Dr. Brian Cervoini Rosario (PGY-2) was selected as a resident member of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Review Committee (RC) at the ACGME.
  • Drs. Ben Massenburg (PGY-4) and Kajal Mehta (PGY-3) were selected by the Resident and Associate Society of the American College of Surgeons for two Global Surgery Work Group leadership positions. Dr. Massenburg will hold the Subspecialty Engagement Lead position and Dr. Mehta start as secretary and will advance to Vice Chair in 2022 and then to Chair in 2023.
  • Gregory Walker (PGY-5) resident in the Department of Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine has published a paper with his department chair, Dr. Howard Chansky and another faculty member Dr. Mario Taylor for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery entitled What’s Important: Take a Knee: It is our collective responsibility to dismantle systemic racism.
  • Dr. Grant Hughes, associate professor of Rheumatology has received a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award from the Arthritis Foundation for $10,000 to support the Rheumatology Fellowship training program.
  • Dr. Bessie Young, professor of IM, VA division chief of Nephrology, won the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award.
  • The Triple I Outstanding Research Mentor Award was presented to Dr. Fuki Hisama, professor of IM, division of Medical Genetics for her exemplary mentorship of our UW medical students in the conduct of scholarly work.
  • The Department of Surgery faculty members, Drs. Lisa Mcintyre and Nicole Zern published an article in JAMA entitled Emergency Restructuring of a General Surgery Program During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The University of Washington Experience.
  • Drs. Nick Meo, Jon Ilgen, Niten Singh and Byron Joyner were involved in the recent article in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education about the University of Washington’s experience in the COVID-19 surge in the spring.


  • Special Reviews continue to make improvements to our learning environment for residents and fellows. Dr. Best and Hadar Duman are working to assist each of the programs to reflect on areas where they might consider trying new approaches.


  • The GMEC-sponsored CLER Subcommittee had its inaugural meeting the month to kick off the many projects to make progress in the areas of Patient Safety, Quality, and especially in Healthcare Equity and Teaming. This committee is chaired by Dr. Lindee Strizich, GME Director of Quality and Patient Safety, UWMC-Montlake.
  • The GMEC-sponsored Clinical Learning Environment Review Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Task Force has completed its final meeting and the final draft of its charter which will be presented ot the GMEC for a vote next month.


There were three new GME policies presented and approved by GMEC:

  • GME Appointment Policy
  • GME Credentialing Policy
  • GME Scheduling and Boarders Policy

Each of these new policies will clarify processes to improve conditions for residents and fellows in our community.  Check them out.


  • GME held a winter Town Hall to discuss COVID-19 updates for the residents and fellows. Drs. Tim Dellit, Chris Kim and Nick Meo were present to answer questions, as were Cindy Hamra, Dipti Chrastka and Byron Joyner. We will continue to hold similar Town Halls every month to be sure that our trainees understand current COVID-19 information and obtain answers to their questions.


  • Please see the COVID-19 Updates: GME Community for information for updates on the increasing COVID-19 pandemic in our community. We are working closely with UW Medicine leadership to include our housestaff thoughtfully and strategically in our efforts to protect our community.


Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean and Designated Institutional Official (DIO)
Graduate Medical Education, UW Medicine

DIO GMEC Update: November

November has a lot of celebrations, in fact 135, according to one source. But, the Thanksgiving holiday is the most popular in the US. While you’re nibbling on turkey, thanks for reading the November 2020 GMEC Update for our community.


  • Congratulations to the following members of our community:
    • Seattle Children’s Hospital in-patient resident team which has included space during their rounds to discuss any concerns around equity, diversity and inclusion that may impact patient care.
    • Dr. Joel Kaufman was elected as a member of the National Academy of Medicine.
    • Dr. Elina Quiroga received the UW Award of Excellence for her outstanding work in mentoring Underrepresented in Medicine members of the community.
    • Dr. Kemi Doll published a personal essay in the New England Journal of Medicine about structural solutions for minority faculty in subspecialties in Medicine
    • Dr. Fuki Hisama published “Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Medical Genetics: The time is now” in Medical Genetics
    • A former IM resident, Dr. Harvey Alter, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his contributions to the discovery of the Hepatitis C virus.



  • The GMEC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Executive Task Force, chaired by Dr. Byron Joyner and Dr. Barbara Goff (Chair, Obstetrics and Gynecology) had its first meeting this past week. The Task Force voted to approve a long-standing GMEC-sponsored EDI Subcommittee. The GMEC-sponsored Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Task Force will have its last meeting this month, just before presenting its findings and recommendations to the GMEC in January.
  • The inchoate GMEC Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Subcommittee has started to organize its committee members to better integrate, elevate and support accountability for efforts toward enhancing the CLER focus area: Patient Safety, Health Care Quality (including Disparities), Teaming and Supervision. If you are interested in contributing to the CLER Subcommittee, please look for the announcements.


  • There is a new, comprehensive GME Leave Policy, which was approved by GMEC at the November meeting. The policy addresses state and federal laws, as well as ACGME and ABMS requirements.


  • Dr. Tom Gallagher from the Center for Scholarship in Patient Quality and Safety, called attention to resources about helping to build an anti-racist society. The list included both local and national resources that will help people to have opportunities to become involved in anti-racist issues, concerns and projects.


  • Please see the COVID-19 Updates: GME Community for information for updates on the increasing COVID-19 pandemic in our community. We are working closely with UW Medicine leadership to include our housestaff thoughtfully and strategically in our efforts to protect our community.


Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday!

Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean and Designated Institutional Official (DIO)
Graduate Medical Education, UW Medicine

GME Updates: Call Rooms, Lactation Rooms and Parental Support

Over the last year the GME Office has made a concerted effort to improve resources for our residents and fellows, in particular call rooms and parenting support.  We know that the intersection between parenthood and training can be a pinch point for many of our residents and fellows and will continue our improvements around this and other issues.

Recent improvements have included:

  • Lactation room at UWMC – Montlake

    General Parenting Resources

    • New Growing Your Family webpage intended to centralize information for residents and fellows regarding parenting, parental leave and crowd-sourced tips.
    • Creation of the Parenthood Peer Mentorship Program (PPMP) to match parent trainees with experienced parent physicians.
    • On October 7th we held the Family Planning & Fertility and Navigating Parental Leave for Resident Physicians event (view recording).  Over 40 residents, fellows and their guests attended this event and heard from subject matter experts on fertility and parental leave, and heard from a panel of their peers.
  • New refrigerator installed by GME at the VA Puget Sound lactation room

    Lactation Rooms

    • Survey of system-wide lactation rooms and addition of this information to the GME website.
    • Creation of an additional lactation room in the UWMC-Montlake Crow’s Nest (Housestaff Lounge).
    • Installation of a refrigerator in the VA Puget Sound lactation room.
    • Imminent installation of refrigerators in 6 Seattle Children’s lactation rooms (pending inspection by Facilities).
    • Hospital-led addition of lactation refrigerators at the Harborview Medical Center lactation rooms.
    • Purchase of lactation coolers available for long-term loaning to support residents and fellows rotating in hospitals without convenient refrigerator access or who prefer a cooler rather than a shared fridge.
  • Workstation in a VA Puget Sound Call Room

    Call Rooms

    • Inventory and assessment of system-wide call rooms.
    • Transition to single-occupancy call rooms to improve safety for residents and fellows during COVID-19.
    • Hospital-led creation of two brand new call rooms at UWMC-Northwest, with three additional rooms in progress.

We want to thank all of our GME staff who have worked on these initiatives especially Natalie Brady, Hadar Duman, Cindy Hamra, Dr. Jennifer Best and Hayley Fisher.  Additionally we sincerely appreciate the hard work of our hospital partners including Dr. Tom Staiger (UWMC-Montlake), Dr. Vivek Jain (VAPS), Seth Hennessey (UWMC-Northwest), Kari Dietrich (SCH), Holly Smith (VAPS), Debbie Colpitts (VAPS), Evelyn Sinsel (HMC), Pam Renna (UWMC-Northwest), Amy Akers (UWMC-Northwest) and Chris Pendergrass (SCH).

The GME Office continues to work on improving support and resources available for all of our residents and fellows. We look forward to continuing to share our work with the community.

DIO GMEC Update: October

It is mDr. Jennifer Besty pleasure as acting meeting chair, to provide the October 2020 GMEC Update for our community.


  • Congratulations to Dr. Debra Cherry on her $175K SHIP grant from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries for projects to improve reproductive health for Washington workers
  • Congratulations to our newly approved Program Directors:
    • Dr. Kathleen Kieran (Pediatric Urology – 1 year interim)
    • Dr. Sarah Prager (Complex Family Planning)


  • Complex Family Planning, previously a non-ACGME fellowship program, is applying for ACGME accreditation (see PD approval above).


  • The GMEC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Executive Task Force, chaired by Dr. Byron Joyner and Dr. Barbara Goff (Chair, Obstetrics and Gynecology) had its first meeting this past week. The Task Force voted to approve a long-standing GMEC-sponsored EDI Subcommittee. They will begin to write the charter for approval by the GMEC next month.
  • GMEC approved a charter for a newly formed GMEC Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Subcommittee to better integrate, elevate and support accountability for efforts to enhance the CLER focus area: Patient Safety, Health Care Quality (including Disparities), Teaming and Supervision. Though outside of the current charter, Well-Being and Professionalism efforts, also included in the CLER program, are actively ongoing.


  • Dr. John Scott presented an update on Telemedicine programs across UW Medicine.


  • Please see the GME website for information on a slew of upcoming events including:
    • “Family Planning and Fertility and Navigating Parental Leave for Resident Physicians” (10/7)
    • Dr. Bill McDade, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer for the ACGME will be a GMEC-sponsored virtual Visiting Professor (10/8, 3:00-5:00pm).
    • The second NURF Diversity Recruitment Open House (10/12).
    • Program Director Development Series – Fall Curriculum: Implicit Bias in Candidate Selection and Navigating Vulnerability and Shame in Medical Education) (10/19)


Jennifer Best, MD
Associate Dean, Accreditation and Education
Graduate Medical Education, UW Medicine


Diversity Recruitment Open House

Join us for the second UW Network for Underrepresented Residents and Fellows (NURF) Diversity Recruitment Open House as part of NURF’s outreach efforts this recruitment season. This virtual Open House is intended to answer questions from residency and fellowship program applicants from underrepresented and/or disadvantaged backgrounds who are currently applying to our programs at the University of Washington.

The meeting will open with brief presentations by leadership from NURF, the GME Office and the UW Medicine Office of Healthcare Equity. You will be able to join break-out groups for the majority of the Zoom session, giving you a chance to ask questions about navigating the city, training programs, and hospitals.

Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM (PST)


Questions or comments? Email Nora Coronado at

DIO GMEC Update: September

Welcome to the new Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) Update!

I am excited to share information with you on a monthly basis about our Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) meetings which take place the second Thursday of every month.

The primary duty of UW GMEC is to oversee the learning environment for more than 1500 residents and fellows in our training programs. In order to provide the best oversight, all GMEC meetings involve representatives from all around our GME community, including housestaff, program directors, program administrators, compliance personnel, dental school administrators, VA leaders, dean’s office administrators and many others. Since we cannot fit everyone around the virtual GMEC table, I hope that these DIO Updates will allow you to follow news about our housestaff and those involved in training residents and fellows.

Starting this month, I will provide regular updates on GMEC’s activities, actions and initiatives. As the Chair of GMEC, I feel that it is my duty to inform you, the GME community of how GMEC cares for and protects the housestaff. As the Chair of the GMEC, I take this job seriously.

Every month, I will provide updates in the 6 Ps we have selected: People, Policies, Progress, Programs, Partnerships and Projects. I hope that these categories will cover the GMEC Update.


This section will cover those who have new, GME leadership positions or are transitioning in some way into or away from GME leadership.

  • New program director: Dr. Tracy Tylee – Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition
  • New program director: Dr. Michelle Weathered – Neurology
  • New committee chair: Dr. Lia Halasz is assuming a new role as Chair of the GMEC Approved Fellowship (GAF) Committee. We thank Dr. Lisa Taitsman for her nearly 3 years of service!


One of the roles of the GMEC is to introduce new or revise existing policies that must be voted on by GMEC members.


In this section, updates will be provided regarding progress in Institutional and Programmatic Accreditation, the Learning Gateway educational modules and quality and patient safety news.

Hadar Duman (Director of Accreditation) presented the results of our annual Accreditation Dashboard. This year, our Sponsoring Institution, the UW SOM has full accreditation, as do all of our programs. There are only 14 ACGME-accredited programs that have been identified for our Special Review process, which is intended to assist programs with meeting accreditation standards.

Partnerships and Projects

This section will provide high-level information about GME, UW Medicine, and UW SOM.

  • The GMEC heard about the formation of a GMEC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force that will create the charge for the work of a long-standing GMEC-sponsored EDI Subcommittee. The Task Force will meet in early October.
  • The work of the Scheduling Task Force is ongoing with an anticipated completion date of November 2020. Recommendations will be brought to GMEC early in 2020.

Keep up with GME news by following the GME Updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean and Designated Institutional Official (DIO)
Graduate Medical Education, UW Medicine


Announcing the Resident & Fellow Well-Being Index

Today UW GME is excited to formally open the Resident / Fellow Well-Being Index. This validated tool was created by researchers at Mayo Clinic and is an opportunity to help you, our residents and fellows, better understand your overall well-being and areas of risk compared to other trainees across the nation. After taking the short 7 questions assessment you’ll be connected with targeted local and national resources.

We hope the information and resources provided are an asset to you. GME and UW Medicine will be using the data collected to prioritize our efforts to improve trainee well-being. We plan to solicit participation twice a year (September and April) and will report back to the community on the actions being taken as a result of the Well-Being Index data.

It’s important to note that this tool is 100% anonymous – your information and score are private and your individual score will not be shared with UW Medicine, your program or UW GME. Scores will only be available in aggregate when the program sample size is over 5.  Learn more about this initiative and view FAQs.

The first assessment window for the tool is September 1, 2020 – October 13, 2020 although the Index will remain continuously open. We hope you will participate, sign up now to take the assessment.

Thank you for being part of our community,

Dr. Jennifer BestJennifer A. Best, MD
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Associate PD, Internal Medicine Residency Program
School of Medicine | UW Medicine

Welcome Prospective Residents and Fellows!

We are proud to have 1520 residents and fellows participating in 118 ACGME-accredited and 70+ non-ACGME accredited training programs across 300 training sites throughout the 5-state Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho (WWAMI) region. We value their service and believe we provide some of the best clinical training in the world.

Please view my message to you and then take a moment to the view the two additional videos on our Prospective Residents and Fellows page to learn a little more about what life is like in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest and what you can expect from a residency or fellowship at the University of Washington.

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean for GME & DIO
University of Washington School of Medicine

Welcome Andrei Dandescu, New GME Wellness Service Counselor

Please join us in welcoming Alexandru “Andrei” Dandescu, our new GME Wellness Counselor!!  Andrei comes with strong clinical skills as well as many unique experiences that include working as a therapist in varied settings.

Andrei starts his new position with us today, August 3 and will work three days a week. His office will be at Seattle Children’s Hospital.  Dipti Chrastka, our GME Wellness Service Director will work with Andrei to get him oriented to GME and open up his schedule to Wellness appointments in the next few weeks. Here is a bit of what Andrei shared with us.

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself.  My name is Alexandru Andrei Dandescu, please call me Andrei.

I was born and spent my early years in Campulung Muscel, a small medieval town nestled in the forests of the foothills of the Carpathian mountains.

The idyllic peaks, bucolic valleys,  jagged canyons and lively mountain streams of the Carpathians formed part of the natural borders between Walachia, Transylvania, and Moldavia the early nations that later became part of modern day Romania in 1918. Their serene, unspoiled natural environment fascinated me as a child, just as much as the vibrant local folklore and ancient lines of people.

I have a strong sense of origin and yet I see myself as an amalgam of diverse and constantly emerging interests. I am a proud Husky psychology undergrad and hold a Master’s Degree In Clinical Psychology from Radford University.

Exploring the Cascades and the greater Pacific Northwest helped me reconnect to the healing power of nature and the exuberant joy of hiking, skiing, biking and sailing. I feel compelled to research the therapeutic effects inherent in outdoor natural environments and the possible clinical and ecological impact of our species’ increasing disconnect from nature.

Over the course of the past twenty-something years, I have worked in various clinical settings, such as community mental health, private practice, residential care facilities, detention facilities, and hospitals.

My clients, co-workers, friends, and family, ongoing multicultural experiences and occasional world travel helped me better appreciate the individual complexity, numerous struggles and amazing potential of the always expanding human consciousness.  

At this time, I feel happy to be part of the Resident & Fellow Wellness Graduate Medical Education team and contribute to the wellbeing of our future healers and their partners.

Transitioning to Milestones 2.0

Milestones 2.0 is here!

Is your program prepared to review, map, and revise your curriculum and assessment systems? In order to help your program’s smooth transition to Milestones 2.0, the GME Office has compiled numerous resources.  View informational videos, access resources and more on the Resident & Fellow Evaluation page.

Milestones 2.0 Overview MedHub –
Overview of Milestones 2.0
MedHub –
Milestones 2.0 setup


Weekly Roundup: June 26

In the News

Recent Publications by General Surgery Residents


Shiv Bhandari, MD, MS4 (now UW Internal Medicine R1) and James Sze, MD, R2 (now UW Internal Medicine R3) were recently named recipients of the 2020 Evans Award in the UW Department of Medicine.   This award is presented every year to one graduating medical student and one 2nd year resident.  The award recognizes the special qualities of warmth, understanding, compassion and concern for the needs of others as exemplified by and expressed throughout the life of Dr. Robert S. Evans, who served as Chief of Medicine for many years at the Seattle VA Medical Center.

Community Updates

HQSC Leadership Board for 2020-2021

The UW Housestaff Quality and Safety Committee (HQSC) announced their Leadership Board for the 2020-2021 academic year.

  • Chair of Development: Jenny Yu, MD (Plastic Surgery)
  • Chair of Diversity and Inclusion: Jacqueline Dunahoe, MD (Orthopedic Surgery)
  • Chair of Publications: Vince Raikhel, MD (Internal Medicine)
  • Chairs of SQuIRREL: Ashley Tollefson, MD (Anesthesiology) & John Lipiz (Anesthesiology)
UW GME Leaders Appointed to ACGME Review Committees

Several leaders in our GME community were recently welcomed as members to the ACGME’s Review Committees:

  • Byron Joyner, MD, MPA, Vice Dean, GME and Designated Instiutional Official (Institutional Review Committee)
  • Heather McPhillips, MD, Program Director, Pediatrics Residency (Pediatrics RRC)

Program Updates

Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program Expansion

The UW Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program has received a 5-year $1.3 million training award from HRSA to expand from two to four fellows each year.  Fellows will train and provide care for underserved populations at Harborview Medical Center, Evergreen Treatment Services, Downtown Public Health Center, and Pioneer Square Clinic/Downtown Programs, and will participate in fellow didactics at the VA.  The program is based in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Harborview and is led by Drs. Joseph Merrill, Judith Tsui, and Jared Klein. Active recruitment for these additional positions is underway.

Internal Medicine Residency: Spotlight on Resident Research

The Internal Medicine Residency Program launched: “Spotlight on Resident Scholarship” to highlight research, quality improvement, medical education, advocacy, and other scholarly activities of UW Internal Medicine residents.  In the latest spotlight, “Sustainable mental health research capacity-building in Africa,” Dr. Helen Jack (R2) transformed the curriculum from a five-day workshop – on performing systematic reviews for early career mental health researchers from Ethiopia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe – to teach a “Training of Trainers” workshop that would allow local university faculty to repeat the workshop.  Universities in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe integrated Dr. Jack’s workshop into permanent curricula.  Dr. Jack intends to pursue a research-intensive career and continue her work examining capacity and implementation of mental health services in low- resource settings locally and abroad.

GME Updates

New UW/UWHA Contract

The new contract between UW and the UWHA was ratified by UWHA members on June 14.  The new UWHA Contract (effective until June 30, 2022) will be available on the UW Labor Relations website in the coming days.  The updated Stipend Schedule for UWHA Members effective July 1, 2020 is on the GME website.

GME Policy Updates

The Meals Policy has been updated to include new meal reimbursement rates at UWMC and HMC.  These were approved at the June 11 GMEC meeting.

GME Supports Black Lives

Message sent to GME Community on June 1, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

With many others, the leadership and staff of Graduate Medical Education stand alongside our community at this devastating and violent crossroads in our nation’s history.

With you, we grieve the violent and senseless murders of Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and countless others who throughout centuries have died unseen and unnamed. We acknowledge that the history of Medicine on which our institution is built cannot be extracted from the abuse and disregard of black and brown bodies that continues today.

We support those of you engaged in peaceful protest and those of you marking these events in your own less visible ways. The path toward reconciliation is both collective and individual – and must be marked by action. That action may differ for each member of our community. All of us must consider our privilege, our knowledge and the importance of our voice.

We hope that you have seen the message from Dr. Ramsey regarding the virtual community gathering scheduled for June 3, during which there will be further discussion about what it means to be part of an institution that embodies anti-racism as a core value.

GME would also like to convene a virtual safe space in which our residents and fellows, program directors, administrators, staff and faculty may be and reflect together.

Please hold Thursday 6/4 at 6pm for a virtual forum (email to register).  We also invite you to connect with our Wellness resources, or consider meeting with our Wellness counselors Dipti Chrastka or Julia Kocian.


Cindy A. Hamra, JD, MA
Assistant Dean, Operations & Administration
Graduate Medical Education| UW Medicine

Jennifer A. Best, MD
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Associate PD, Internal Medicine Residency Program
School of Medicine | UW Medicine

Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean
Graduate Medical Education| University of Washington
Designated Institutional Official | UW Medicine

Welcome New UW Housestaff!

Dr. Byron Joyner
Vice Dean for Graduate Medical Education & Designated Institutional Official for UW SOM

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you as we begin this exciting and historic academic year together.

In February, the city of Seattle was the first epicenter for COVID-19 in the US. Since then, many have been affected by the pandemic. We have all faced challenges and uncertainty.  As you start your journey at the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM), we want you to know that we are here for you. We want you to gain all of the experiences and have all of the learning opportunities you need to do your work. We want you to feel that you are working in a safe learning environment. There will be a lot of uncertainty, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is slowly improving. But, there will also be a lot of uncertainty during your training because you will be – and should be – learning new things about your chosen specialty. You will meet new colleagues and friends. You will encounter new interdisciplinary teams. You will learn to take care of patients and, along the way, learn more about yourself.

Many things will be different and disorienting to us all and yet, the same great faculty and staff will be here to teach you and to help you along the way. Matriculating now into your new residency or fellowship program should be exciting– even for those of you who are UW alumni returning as subspecialty fellows. Our top priority is to offer all of you the best and safest clinical learning environment so that you can develop the skills, behaviors, and attitudes you will need to be successful, independent doctors.

You are one of the amazing high-caliber physicians-and dentists in-training that sets UW apart from other institutions. The new wave of 450+ residents and fellows joining us over the next 3 months only highlights this point. You represent an exceptional, diverse, and exceedingly qualified class who will enrich each other’s learning experiences.

Who you are

  • In total, you are 473 incoming residents and fellows
  • You are pursuing 100 different specialties
  • 287 of you are first-year residents

In some cases nearly 1/3 of all US medical school graduates going into your specialty applied to your UW program, and you are among the select few to be admitted to these very competitive programs.

  • Altogether, you were born in 36 different countries
  • 28% of you were born outside of the United States
  • 44 of you graduated from a medical school outside of the United States.
  • You span generations – you are GenZ’ers, Gen Y’ers, and Gen X’ers.

This is no accident. Diversity and inclusion are core values of UW Medicine and are affiliated training hospitals.


108 of you have achieved other graduate degrees. To name a few, these include:

  • 21 PhDs
  • 34 MPHs
  • 6 MBAs

Where you are

Graduate Medical Education (GME).  GME programs sponsored by the UW School of Medicine are designed to train physicians with habits of life-long learning and mature ethical and professional approaches to their practice.

UW Medicine. Among nearly 800 institutions, UWSOM is the 5th largest in the number of programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), and 8th largest in the number of trainees. The UWSOM offers over 122 residency and clinical fellowship programs and partners with the School of Dentistry to support four dental residency programs which are accredited by the Commission On Dental Accreditation (CODA).  There are more than 70 non-accredited fellowship programs, too!

For more information about our accredited programs, see the Residency and Clinical Fellowship Programs.

WWAMI. UW Medicine is by far the largest sponsor of GME programs in the five-state region known as WWAMI, which includes Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho (WWAMI). UW Medicine has a very important role in building a physician workforce capable of meeting the requirements of a rapidly-evolving healthcare environment for urban, rural and underserved areas in our region.

In addition to Seattle-based training, there are three distinct models for GME across the WWAMI region – Community Based–UW Affiliated, Regional Training Tracks, and Regional Resident Rotations.

Who we are

GME Leadership. We are responsible for the administrative oversight and academic quality of UW’s residency and clinical fellowship programs. Most importantly, we are here for you. We want you to feel safe in an environment where you can learn. The GME leaders listed below oversee an amazing and committed team that supports residents, fellows and programs in the UWSOM.

Please contact any of us with questions, comments, or concerns.

Getting Started

For reference materials, useful forms, and information on the various benefits that are available to residents and fellows at UW, please see the Incoming Residents & Fellows page on this site. Many pertinent details surrounding your rights and responsibilities can be found in the GME Residency and Fellowship Position Appointment (RFPA) Agreement.

Wellness. Be on the lookout for information from our Wellness team, highlighting wellness activities and opportunities in Seattle and around Puget Sound. At this time, for our safety and that of the safety of the public, we are still under Governor Jay Inslee’s orders of social distancing. We look forward to the time when you can hang up your white coat, get out of the hospital – and your home – and enjoy the life that indeed does exist outside of residency or fellowship training.

COVID-19 Culture. In the context of COVID-19, we must be mindful and vigilant. If you are ill, stay at home. Wear your mask and learn to don and doff properly. Look out for each other and for yourselves. We are in an uncertain time but we will get through this together, as long as we work together!

I look forward to working with you on new initiatives and ideas that will address the challenges we now face head-on. And, for all the new and exciting things this academic year will certainly bring for you, the GME Office’s core priorities remain the same: that you receive the best possible education, achieve and maintain a healthy work-life balance, and make a real difference for the patients that you serve. Our most significant wins and defining achievements in GME have always been rooted in housestaff ideas and in their participation.

In order for me to best do my job, I need to – and would like to – hear from you all of you. Your engagement is critical to ensuring that we have the best possible program for you, as well as for the patients we serve.

It is my distinct pleasure to welcome all of you to the University of Washington. I look forward to working with you and to embrace the opportunities and challenges that await us in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Be well and stay healthy!

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean for Graduate Medical Education &
Designated Institutional Official for UW SOM

Weekly Roundup: May 15


The University of Washington Housestaff Quality and Safety Committee (HQSC) is thrilled to announce Chloe Bryson-Cahn, MD as recipient of the 2020 Gene Peterson Faculty Award for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.  Dr. Bryson-Cahn is an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy & Infectious Diseases.  She serves as the Medical Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Associate Medical Director of Infection Prevention at Harborview Medical Center.  She also is the Associate Medical Director of the University of Washington Tele-Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (UW TASP). 

Congratulations to Khalida Arif, MD, UW School of Medicine class of 2020, and incoming UW Internal Medicine resident, who was recently named to the Husky 100.   The Husky 100 recognizes 100 UW undergraduate and graduate students each year who are making the most of their time at the UW in the classroom and community.

GME Updates

GME Policy Updates

Revisions to the USMLE and Licensing Examination Policy were approved at the May 14 GMEC meeting.

New GME Program Administrator

Welcome to Paul Ford, Program Administrator for Hematology-Oncology.

Committee Nominations for AY21

The GME Office is currently accepting nominations for Committee membership for 2020-2021.  Nominations should be sent to Lani Wall at by May 29.

Weekly Roundup: May 1


Tanya Meyer, MD, UW Otolaryngology Associate Professor, and Otolaryngology Residency Program Director, has been elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Honor Medical Society at the faculty level by current members of the University of Washington chapter. Dr. Meyer joins an elite group who have received the honor: in 2020, only 3 were elected from among approximately 2,100 full-time faculty in the School of Medicine.

Douglas Paauw, faculty councilor for the UW AΩA chapter, writes, “Each year, the UW AΩA chapter elects faculty, residents, and fellows who demonstrate commitment to and excellence in teaching medical students as well as displaying outstanding leadership, professionalism, service, and professional achievement. . . election to AΩA is one of the highest honors that physicians can receive.” 

Dr. Meyer is a senior laryngologist with a national reputation in clinical neurolaryngology and for her research on the impact of voice disorders in the workplace. She is the residency program director for UW Otolaryngology-HNS and serves as co-chair of its Diversity Committee. Dr. Meyer was a recipient of the 2018-2019 Presidential Citation from the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS). 

GME Updates

New GME Finance Manager

Casey Dalluge joined the GME team as the new GME Finance Manager on April 23.  He joins the University of Washington with an extensive background in financial modeling, business analysis, and team leadership.  Welcome Casey!

New ACGME Programs for AY21

The ACGME recently approved the accreditation for the following programs:

  • Pediatric Hospital Medicine
  • Psychiatry-Boise
Committee Nominations for AY21

The GME Office is now accepting nominations for Committee membership for 2020-2021.  Nominations should be sent to Lani Wall at by May 29.

Weekly Roundup: April 17

In the News

Residents raising money for “Off Their Plate”

The Internal Medicine residents at the University of Washington have started a campaign to raise money to support communities impacted by Coronavirus around the U.S. They are supporting “Off Their Plate”, a grassroots organization powered by nonprofit World Central Kitchen.  “Off Their Plate” partners with local restaurants and workers to restore wages and provide meals to healthcare workers on the COVID frontline in cities across the U.S. They have raised over $1,570 so far.

To read more hero stories, from the front lines and behind the scenes, please visit the DOM heroes page on the Department of Medicine website.


The UW Pediatric Residency Program Alaska Track has been awarded the Outstanding Teaching Program Award for 2020 from the Academic Pediatric Association (APA).  This is the highest honor in the US given each year to a pediatric teaching program – student, resident or fellowship.

Internal Medicine resident Ryan Stultz, MD (Class of 2022) and member of the Physician-Scientist Learning Pathway, was awarded a Resident Research Preceptorship from the Rheumatology Research Foundation with his mentor Dr. Christian Lood, assistant professor (Rheumatology). Their translational research will examine potential links between extracellular mitochondria and auto-antibody formation in systemic sclerosis.

Kelli Alderman, fellowship program administrator (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) won the 2020 Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) Award for Innovative Fellowship Program Administration Abstract, and presented at the APCCMPD annual meeting’s vrtual conference in March.  Title: “The Hackathon as a Way to Innovate in Fellowship Education.” Co-authors: Rosemary Adamson, Nick Johnson, Andy Luks, and Başak Çoruh.

GME Updates

Welcome to our new Program Directors and Administrators!

Program Directors:

  • Andrew Ayars, MD, Allergy and Immunology
  • Michi Shinohara, MD, Dermatopathology

Program Administrators:

  • Rene Barton, Medical Genetics
  • Tara Camill, Pediatric Radiology
  • Erin Moore, Pain Medicine and Anesthesia Critical Care
New ACGME Programs for AY21

The ACGME recently approved the accreditation for the following programs:

  • Obstetric Anesthesiology
  • Addiction Medicine-Boise
Committee Nominations for AY21

Look for an announcement in the coming weeks calling for nominations for our GME Committees for AY21.  Check out our Committees page for desciprtions of each Committee.

GME Policies Updates


Available Now! AY21 GME Event Calendar

Calendar ImageMark your calendars!  The GME office is excited to release our 2020-2021 event calendar!  See the full list of upcoming events for Residents & Fellows as well as PDs & PAs.

Event dates and topics have been added to the website calendar. Registration for events will open one month prior to the event date.  Timely save the dates and registration reminders will continue to be released via email and the GME website.

We hope you can join us at many of our exciting 2021 offerings!

Celebrating 2020 Match Day!

Dear UW GME Community,

Even as we focus intently on the immediate needs of our community and patients in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we also look to the future!

Today, is Match Day for the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Main Residency Match – an opportunity to celebrate the bright future of medicine and to welcome 291 new members to our University of Washington School of Medicine GME community.

We wish to acknowledge the immense effort of ALL of our residents, fellows, faculty and staff during the recruitment season – and your year-round efforts to create and contribute to a highly sought-after learning environment!

For those of you interested in data:

National Data

UW Data

  • # UW Positions offered/filled in Match: 291/291
  • Largest UW Match:  In 2019 had 281 positions
  • # of Specialties: 23
  • # of Tracks: 46 (2 participated in SOAP)
  • # of Rural Tracks: 4
  • UW Students Matched: 52 (Tied for largest Match of UW students)

​GME is mindful of the fact that matching in Seattle during this time of uncertainty may raise certain questions for our incoming residents and fellows. We will be communicating with them directly in short order to provide information about anticipated concerns and to ease their transition in whatever way we can. We will also be updating the Incoming Residents and Fellows page on the this website as new information is available:

Congratulations to all!  We hope you will pause for a moment with your teams to acknowledge this wonderful annual milestone.

Welcome to the New UW GME Website!

The GME Office is excited to announce the launch of our new website!

The new site is the result of several months of collaborative work by the Strategic Communication workgroup in the GME Office, which has been evaluating our communication with our varied constituents: residents and fellows (current, incoming, and prospective), program directors, program administrators, and the broader GME community within UW.  Communication is one of several focus areas in the GME Strategic Plan for AY20-22.

In December 2018 we launched a new GME website on the site and an updated GME intranet.  While these have been useful resources, we have heard from you that information can be difficult to find on the two sites.  We also recognized that our at-times high email volume, the need to provide just-in-time communications, and our desire to share more broadly the exciting work being done by our trainees, programs and office, created an opportunity to develop a new communication platform.

What is changing?
  • New GME website: now redirects to the new site
  • GME section on UW Medicine website: All content on has been migrated to the new website, and old pages have been deactivated. The current landing page will remain, and introductory language will be revised soon.
  • GME Intranet: With some exceptions, all content has been migrated to the new website.  In the next month the remaining content will be moved.
  • PA Toolkit: The Program Administrator (PA) Toolkit has been migrated to the new website from the prior location on OneDrive.
  • Confidential Reporting Form: Replaced with a new web form on the site.
What are some of the features of the new site?
  • Single Location: Resources that currently live on the GME website, intranet, and PA Toolkit will be located on one platform!
  • Content Transparency and Navigation: One location for all our resources will better highlight the resources and information shared with our community.
  • New Event Calendar: Includes all GME meetings and events.  
  • Concern Reporting Form: New web form for submitting concerns to the GME Office.
  • Blog Posts: Too many emails?  We will communicate informational items and GME news via our blog posts, which will live on the home page and under News.
  • NetID Protected Pages: Resources intended only for internal UW GME stakeholders (and not the non-UW public) will be on NetID protected pages (e.g., content currently available on the GME intranet).
Our Ask
  • Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the organization of the new website.
  • If you have bookmarked pages or linked to URLs, please update.
  • If you have trouble finding resources, please reach out to our office.

We continue to develop new content for the website and hope you will find this to be a more helpful resource.  We are always working to enhance the service we offer to our community and are excited about this change.

Special thanks to the GME Strategic Communication Workgroup members for their amazing work on this: Gabrielle Pett, Joe Wilson, Natalie Brady, Liz Fawthrop, Hadar Duman and Tammy Ramirez.

RESCHEDULED: Save the Date – GME Parents Event

NOTE: This event is being rescheduled. New date and details to be determined.

Please save the date for Saturday March 14, 2020!

GME is excited to host our first annual Parenthood Peer Mentorship Program (PPMP) social event and combination GME Parents Wellness event.

The first two hours of the morning will be reserved for PPMP mentees, mentors and their families.  At 11am the event will open to all GME parents and their families.

RSVP for the Financial Management Seminar

Register now for the GME Financial Management Seminar – Introduction to Personal Savings

Doug StuckiJoin GME on February 5th, 2020 to learn from Fidelity Investments retirement planner Doug Stucki.  Doug will be sharing information about budgeting, debt management and recommended saving rates.  A Q&A session will follow the event.

This event is open to GME residents, fellows and their guests.  Registration is open until January 28th!

Save the Date – AY21 Appointments and Credentialing Meeting


Save the date for our Annual AY21 Appointments and Credentialing Meeting on Tuesday February 4th!

This meeting is highly recommended for all program administrators and any staff involved in the appointment process of new trainees, including those who are not PAs but have roles in Workday.

Tuesday February 4th, 2020
8:30am – 12:00pm (Breakfast and Check-In open at 8:00am)

UW South Lake Union

Light breakfast and coffee provided
No registration required

Parenthood Peer Mentorship Program Launches

The GME office is proud to announce our new Parenthood Peer Mentorship Program.  This program is designed to support parent trainees by matching them with peers to share knowledge and support each other.  In part this program was informed by the results from our Spring survey of residents and fellows on lactation.

Interested mentees and mentors are encouraged to sign up.  Click below to learn more about eligibility and requirements.

The GME office continues to work on a variety of projects intended to improve the experiences of parent trainees.  Please stay tuned for updates.