Marine Debris Update

The marine debris photo database continues to grow. We’ve received about 100 images this week, bringing our total to 4072. Almost 50 COASST teams have sent in photos this month. Great work! If you haven’t yet contributed to the database there’s still time. The most common way to send photos to COASST is via email, but just like bird photos, you can send them in a variety of ways (thumb drive, cd, online album, etc.). We so appreciate everyone’s work on this project.  It’s amazing to see the wide variety of items out on our coastline.


Here is a sampling of images we’ve received recently:


A colorful buoy found in the San Juan Islands (Washington)

A Russian foot care product found in Oregon

A styrofoam and reed mat found on the north coast of Washington

A fish lure found along the Strait of Juan de Fuca
A flare found on the south coast of Washington




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