What is Canvas?
Canvas is the University of Washington Learning Management System. Canvas course web sites are used to distribute course materials, communicate with students, and conduct assessment activities like quizzing and grading.
Every regional section of a course or block has a Canvas web site. For example, the Block Energetics and Homeostasis has 6 sections, one for each campus in the WWAMI region, and there is a Canvas course web site for each of those sections.
Block faculty usually develop content in a shared “Dev” Canvas site, accessible only to the faculty. That content is then copied into the regional Canvas sites that students access.
Information on setting up Canvas preferences and gaining access to Canvas can be found in the “Course Websites” menu above.
WWAMI Canvas courses are hosted here.
To find and bookmark a course in Canvas
If you have been granted access to a block web site, follow these steps to find and bookmark the block web site:
- Log on at https://canvas.uw.edu & click the Courses tab at the top of the page.
- In the Courses tab, click View All or Customize. This will display a list of all your courses.
- Add a course to your Courses tab by “starring” the course.