Gaining access to Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES)

UntitledFor students, CES can be accessed via a sidebar link on their Canvas course page. This link will only appear if the course is associated with an evaluation project, and they have an active evaluation to complete. Additionally, they will receive a pop-up notification when they access their Canvas course page, if an evaluation is outstanding.

For instructors, if evaluation results are available for viewing, instructors will see an “Ekit Admin” or an “Ekit Instructor” link on the sidebar of their canvas course page. This link will take them to the instructor portal, where they will be able to select an evaluation under the “Project results” header. On the following page, they can click on the blue arrow to download a “Detailed Report+comments” file, which will display a summary of the quantitative results, and all responses to open ended comments for that selected course evaluation. Note that the header for this report displays course name, and lists all instructors evaluated as part of this course, but only the instructor name with an asterix will have results displayed on this document. Instructors cannot view evaluation results from other instructors.



Alternatively, CES may also be accessed via the following shibboleth link here.