There are two Blank Page templates:
- [Template] Blank Page
- [Template] Blank Page with Purple Banner
There is one difference between these pages; the Blank Page has a space for a sub header under the page title and the Purple Banner Page has a purple bar across the top of the page without text in it.
How do I use the Blank Page templates?
The Blank Page template is good for pages where you would like a subtitle under the page title. The Blank Page with Purple Banner is good where the page title is enough on its own. Here are two examples of the Blank Pages in use.
In the Block Introduction the subtitle is used to welcome this cohort of students to the course. This banner is used to give a header to the first section of the page.
The Lecture and Video Recordings page doesn’t need an additional title before getting into the content, so we used the Blank Page with Purple Banner template.