Poll Everywhere Basics

Poll Everywhere is a polling system that is available to all UW faculty.

For the most up-to-date information on using Poll everywhere, see:


Handout from November 2023 retreat

Activate your Poll Everywhere account

1. Go to www.Polleverywhere.com and click Log In.
2. In the Email Address field, enter your UW email address including “@uw.edu”.
3. Below the address field, click on the “Single Sign On” link.
4. In the UW log in screen enter your UW Net ID and password.
* If you cannot gain access, contact UW-IT help at help@uw.edu.

Create a poll question

1. Log on to www.polleverywhere.com
2. At the left, click the Activities button.
3. Click the “+ Activities” button.
4. Choose the type of question (Multiple-choice, word cloud, etc.). Note the sample results displayed for each type.
5. Enter the question and answer options.
6. At the bottom of the question window, click Create. Your new question will be displayed.

Presenting polls

Option 1 – Conduct polls with a web browser

Polls can be conducted with a web browser from the Poll Everywhere web site. After logging on, click on a poll and then click the Present button. Only one question can be active at a time. To start the poll, click the unlock icon and the Instructions button. To display responses, click the Responses button. To reset the poll, click More > Clear Responses.

Option 2 – Add polls to slides

Poll questions can be added to a slide show and then conducted without a web browser.

Install Poll Everywhere Presenter (Powerpoint plugin)

1. Log on to www.polleverywhere.com and click the Apps button.
2. Click Powerpoint for Windows … or …  Powerpoint for Mac and then follow instructions for downloading and installing.

Poll Everywhere Presenter – (inserting polls into slides)

Use Poll EV Presenter to create new polls and insert them into Powerpoint slides. Poll EV Presenter offers fewer options for formatting polls.

1. Download and install Poll EV Presenter from polleverywhere.com. Win: Installing Poll EV Presenter will add the Poll EV tool to Powerpoint. Mac: Poll EV Presenter is a separate application.
2. Start Powerpoint. Mac users: also start Poll EV Presenter.
3. In the Poll EV Presenter window (Mac) or tab (Win), login when required.
4. To add a poll to your slides, advance to the correct area of your slide show. In Poll EV Presenter, click ‘New +’ to add a poll question, checkbox the poll and click Insert.
5. To display the poll, start your slide show and advance to the poll question. The question will display without switching to a web browser.
6. To start the poll, click the unlock icon and the Instructions button. To display responses, click the Responses button. To reset the poll, click More > Clear Responses.

Copying Poll Everywhere polls

Poll Everywhere Teams allow members of a PollEV Team to share polls. Shared polls can be embedded in Powerpoint and used by any member of the Team. * In Powerpoint, the correct response address will be displayed when in Presentation mode.

  1. Ask UW-IT help@uw.edu to create a PollEV Team.
  2. At polleverywhere.com, add members. Members need a UW Poll Everywhere Presenter account
  3. Share a folder or poll.
  4. For more detail, see:
    Create the team and add members: https://support.polleverywhere.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260801552930-Teams-and-Shared-Activities
    Share polls with team members: https://support.polleverywhere.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260801556609-Shared-activities-in-slideware

Copying polls
This option allows a presenter to make a copy of another presenter’s polls.

  1. Copy the URL of the poll you want to share while the question is in active/live view in your web browser. It will look similar to this: www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/12345
  2. Send the URL to person who wants a copy of the poll.
  3. After logging on to Poll Everywhere, the other individual should visit the poll URL, and then add this to the address:  /copy. The URL will then look similar to this: polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/12345/copy
  4. At that address, the other individual should click the button “Copy Activity into Account”. After the button is clicked, the poll question will be copied into their list of activities.

Convert Slides to Polls using the Windows Poll Everywhere App

Windows PE App-Convert PPT slides to Poll Everywhere polls

Windows PE App-Convert Turningpoint slides to Poll Everywhere polls